Covers for metal detectors and The protective cover to the control unit

Covers for metal detectors and The protective cover to the control unit In the category Metal detectors Accessories more articles and learn more information about Covers for metal detectors and The protective cover to the control unit Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

Use headphones for metal detectors to find better solutions to search for minerals

Use headphones for metal detectors to find better solutions to search for minerals Pharaohs of ancient Egypt recognized the potential Read more

Wireless headphones XP WS3

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Wireless headphones XP WS1 2CH

Wireless headphones XP WS1 2CH XP wireless headphone WS1 2CH are an excellent complement for XP metal detectors . No Read more

garrett metal detector headphones ace sport

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There are several accessories that are in my opinion, must necessarily be present in the arsenal of any modern search engine. One of them, we’ll talk. The protective cover to the control unit of the detector is certainly necessary; Moreover, the lack of a protective cover can lead to very unpleasant consequences. Many of us overlook that metal detector is not just stick-squeaker, but rather a complex electronic device, which is used in extreme conditions for electronics. Of course, the producers made sure that maximum protect electronics against external weather conditions and mechanical effects. But electronics have electronics, better be safe. So much so that it’s worth protective case for the control unit of the detector only several hundred rubles and save it we can several dozen thousand rubles-this is practical arithmetic.Covers for metal detectors and The protective cover to the control unit

What are the main reasons for the acquisition of protective cover?

First and foremost is the protection of electronic components of the detector-up to a certain limit, naturally-from precipitation (rain, dew, snow). Moisture is the main, but, unfortunately, is not the only enemy of any electronic devices. the infamous plastic bag to control unit, well never output when using a package, especially long-term, generates large quantities of condensate, and it’s the same moisture and condensation effect is exactly the same-sharply negative. In addition, the package will quickly fog and readings on the display are not visible.

Cover protects electronics from dirt and dust and at the same time the control unit is not sealed airtight metal detector “breathes”, as a result, there is protection and there is no condensation. Certainly, many search engines have had to put a metal detector on the ground in the search, So it is not necessary to consider the dirt particles and dust just as nasty, but harmless. Actually dust inside the control unit may cause failures (bugs) in the appliance or equipment damage.

So it is recommended: If you do not have a protective cover for the metal detector electronics unit-make them so as not to have had further bitter blame their own improvidence. Use this simple bag-gathered\, put cover back home, withdrew the case, washed and dried. Keep at home better control unit without the cover to provide maximum ventilation. shopping always on sale protective covers for all the most popular models of metal detectors from any manufacturer. Fabricated cases of dense, waterproof fabric combined with high-quality, transparent and solid enough film.