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10 places to search for treasures without leaving home

 Live acquaintance with ancient legends is undoubtedly more interesting than a normal holiday on the beach or a cursory view of traditional attractions. So all fans of the adventure genre, pirate legends and treasure hunts have a great opportunity to become the heroes of their favorite books, to recharge the spirit of treasure hunting and give your journey an adventurous romance. We offer you the Ten most suitable places to search for treasures, where you will have a real chance to try your luck in solving old riddles

Have come to the village to relatives, but to plow in the garden there is no desire? Then we have a special life hack for you – become a treasure hunter! The occupation is quite interesting, even sometimes exciting, with some bias in passive earnings. And if you do not know where to start, then start with the purchase of a metal detector and reading this article.

10 places to search for treasures without leaving home

10 places to search for treasures without leaving home

How to use a metal detector you can learn from the instructions, but where to go with it – is already a question. That’s why we suggest you start exploring the following places:

1.Fields. It would seem, what do the fields have to do with it? Where do valuable things come from in places where no one lives? However, try out your new metal detector in any field, even completely deaf and wild, and for sure you will find a variety of items. It is in the fields experienced treasure hunters discover silver and gold coins, jewelry, for example, rings or buckles. This is explained very simply – on the site of the current field could have passed the road or could be conducted field work, during which could easily lose valuable good.

2. Field near the existing village, which grew here in past centuries. The main rule of the treasure hunter: there is always something in the habitats or people who are in the habitation! To learn about the location of such a settlement you do not need to have a deep knowledge of history, it is enough skill to use the internet search. Examining such a space, you can easily find not only imperial coppers, but also silver coins and household items. If you have found an ancient village, then your chances of a valuable find increase many times, because it is here lost things accumulated in the ground for many years.

3.Rural roads. The perfect place to hone your skills and enrich your treasure-seeking experience. There is also a great chance to discover your first valuable finds that will help you experience the real joy after all those rusty nails and caps from bottles that you found earlier. Do not forget that even one coin found can be appreciated by numismatists high enough. Why is there a high probability of finding a find on the road? Because on the roads in the old days were very active life: they passed merchants, nor they were robberies, they moved on foot, and sometimes in a drunken state. Often there were cases when it was on the way of the old roads found whole wallets.

4.Search for artifacts in the settlement. Do you have relatives in the village? So, there is a great reason to visit relatives, and at the same time to explore the area. It is recommended to start just with the main road, on which move not only locals, but also their numerous guests, and other visitors. The search promises to be very promising, but pay attention to the fact that in inhabited settlements it is worth giving preference to a metal detector with settings to ignore metal household garbage. If curious neighbors will be interested in what you do, boldly tell the truth – chances are that you will learn a lot of local stories, and you will form a research plan for the next month.

5.The garden in the village. Even if your grandmother’s village is not too old, but it has a vegetable garden, and in the garden, you can be sure, there is a lot of interesting things for the treasure hunter. There is such a tradition in our country to bury values in the garden. Thus, our ancestors hid their belongings, and many contemporaries continue to trust the values of their native garden land. Most often, after burying the belongings are not. But nothing will hide from the enthusiast with a metal detector! But even if you do not find the golden candelabras of the 19th century, you can always please a kind grandmother, patiently demolishing trampling beds, finding a lost family ring.

6. Search near the porch of the village house. The most money in any village: where, if not here, there were money transactions, weddings with scattering of coins, dances with the loss of jewelry. In addition to valuable money, there is a chance to find less useful in terms of financial gain, but more interesting from the point of view of history items: old buttons, scallops, knives, and other sweet to the heart of a passionate treasure hunter trinsators.

7. A black search. Do not want to attract the attention of those who have already started to suspect neighbors or on the street non-flying weather? Then there is another place that is sure to please you with finds – the attic. And in the attic do not have to dig anything, things are not only waiting for you there in perfect safety, but also do not require much physical effort to extract. First of all, you need to walk through the dumping (this is a layer of land in the attic, which in ancient times insulated the roof), pay special attention to the area around the chimneys, bars and corners. In such places it was possible to quickly and reliably hide your jewelry so that then it is easy to find, so the search, most likely, will not be too difficult. After careful study of the listed places still walk around the entire area of the attic, is unlikely.

8. We climb into the basement. Yes, yes, it is in the basement, and what are you surprised at? By the way, one of the most common places where jewelry and valuable items of cultural heritage are found. Just before you dive into the darkness of the basement and times, do not forget to grab a reliable headlight and a smaller metal detector, so that in cramped circumstances do not feel discomfort.

9. Shed. The presence of this economic object on the site is a great reason to fumble in it with addiction. What can be found in the barn in addition to agricultural equipment and grandfather’s “Ural”, you ask? For example, a bowler with coins or a gold medal of some valiant ancestor. Either way, the shed is required to investigate when available. And that the search is not interfered with foreign objects, it is desirable to remove them from the barn (at the same time and order to impose). Priority pay attention to the land under the barn – often husbands hid stash in such places from grumpy wives.

10. Village well. The place in the village is certainly popular and crowded. In the well you can find a lot of interesting and valuable things, but in order to get inside you will need skill and help, and if you come to the well lightly, then study the land next to it. Gaining water could easily drop something valuable.

It was not possible to find really valuable things in these places the first time – do not be discouraged! With a known share of desire and skill, you are sure to be successful. The main thing, do not forget to carefully study your findings, as not all unsightly on the first kind of metal objects – trinkets, as it seems. And you can put all your finds in a VikGeo backpack.

We wish you a productive treasure-searching, and, most importantly, the pleasure of what is happening!

The treasure is not necessarily an old chest of pirate gold. Valuable coins and banknotes, once hidden on a rainy day, can be searched in your home, if he is over 50 years old. You don’t need a mysterious card with a cross at the right point, it’s enough to know where to look.

If there is an old furniture in the house, take a closer look at it. Previously, caches were made there: drilled voids in a thick tree of massive sofas and armchairs or installed fake walls in cupboards. To find the treasure, it is enough to knock all the items of your interior and study their size – it will help to calculate the secret compartments. If nothing was found, do not be upset – restored old furniture costs a lot of money.

Coins and decorations were hidden between wooden structures and a wall, under a window sill and behind cashiers. For them it is easy to slip the values and if necessary just as quickly to get.

For the sake of possible silver heels there is no sense to smash the whole house, but if the repair is planned, it is better to be careful during the dismantling of the old finish.

If you have a private house, the cache may be in the rubble or under the roof skate. Also, a secret department could be done during construction under the steps of the porch or directly in them.

With a metal detector in the footsteps of coins lost in the old days

Just so wandering around the fields in the hope of finding a treasure or a scattering of coins is considered an ineffective way of treasure hunting, although most treasure seekers do just that. Experienced search engines know that the better to prepare for the campaign, the higher will be the result and less time spent on finding a promising site. In order to properly plan your search you need to spend some time on theoretical preparation, namely the study of old maps, search for information about abandoned settlements, and perhaps a survey of local old-timers for location ancient roads and crowded places.

Where and how to look for coins and treasures? Typical places for their seating.

To properly plan the route you need to know the places where in the old days most people lost coins. The most crowded places in the old days were churches, inn yards and trading areas, that is, all the places where residents could give and receive money, and often lose them. Mass festivities, held in the old days, were also a popular source of not only fun, but accidentally dropped coins. During games and other fun people actively moved and naturally lost money, which was quickly trampled by the crowd, so around such places you can find deposits of lost coins.


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