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Airport security devices used to detectors treasures


Airport security devices used to detectors treasures

Airport security devices used to detectors treasures

Airport security devices used to detect effects and buried treasures

Used to uncover German city of Troy.  for the lost Panel for DA Vinci

Security devices used in modern airports are working today to reveal the buried treasures

Allow the security services in airports, especially scanners «Alter Hertz», detects hidden under clothing and issues into vital organs, but archeologists have become used to detect buried underground historical cities and ancient treasures hidden in cellars, churches and walls. «Alter devices, the Hertz» lets see what is under the ground and allowed to see James Bond under skirt beautiful Secretary in his last film.

It uses a team of scientists from the University of Dresden (East) scanners «Alter Hertz» to reveal hid implications in Royal palaces and churches. It also helps the rays «Alter Hertz» archeologists uncover ancient paintings covered with fake paintings interest of theft, which is what happened when the Soviet army transport great effects in Dresden during World War II, to Moscow. Scientists are counting on technology in screening thousands of churches and ancient monasteries in Germany and Europe in search of treasures.

The world has already bimika that use technical Ernest to detect traces of Trojan city under Mount Bali Dang in Turkey. Bimika believes, is a disciple of the German scientist Manfred Kaufman, that Trojan located in Turkey, on the mountain, inundating coastal waters and dumping the apparent easy history. And use bimika «Alter Hertz» draw walls buried city, walls of houses and neighborhoods, the first map of the city which is believed to be a Trojan. These devices also helped bimika to detect headers bayonets, swords and arrows, in the region, dating back to that era, and reveal an enormous historic battle believed Trojan battle off the coast of the Mediterranean. Known for rays «Alter Hertz» its rays falling on their spectrum electromagnetic, infrared and microwave radiation. Radiation does not affect human health, and do not inherit in a human cell, but they are not powerful enough to penetrate the bone. Used Radiology since 2005 in some U.S.. airports, Frankfurt International Airport, to detect terrorists explosives have been hidden or money under their clothes. As used by the European Space Agency to measure the temperature in the upper layers of the Earth from space, and used by us Space Agency (NASA) in the detection of damage to the walls of cabinets space vehicles because these cabinets are covered with layers of ceramic and antioxidants, it is possible to see the cracks that may get with the naked eye.

The University of Michigan announced days before the interest in using technology to detect effects and treasures. And the researcher used Bianca Jackson, Michigan, a «Hertz» Altair in the detection of some portraits painted on the walls of the Church of Saint Jean babels France dating back to the 13th century. The device detected deliberately painted panels in the past, but those were covered with a layer of gypsum memorization.

Jackson said it will work in collaboration with a team of French scientists to detect what is person in the halls and walls walkways and basements of the Louvre Museum in Paris.

The device was developed by bikomitrix. Jackson would like to use «Alter Hertz» reveal more than 100,000 old church in France alone. She said "we know there are hundreds of paintings hidden under other panels or gypsum, can we increase the wealth of France culture quickly. Young American researcher revealed that she initially painted color palette and then covered with a layer of oil, gypsum, used the device to detect. And actually revealed the hidden under plaster plate scans in color.

Jackson hopes to find the Panel «battle», Wangari known to scientists that Leonardo da Vinci was not transferring, but hidden beneath the other plate is believed to be in the Palace "Palazzo Vecchio" Florence. There is now looks at the world the hidden painting siragini Maurizio Milani by using neutrons, but Jackson believes it will be preceded by with its «Alter Hertz».
