Today we will decrypt that XP says about his metal detectorGoldMaxx Power (we will do the same with Deus in a future post )
Indeed, it is not always easy to have a good understanding of the specifications when it is the builder himself who praised.
The GoldMaxx Power is an exceptional detector for detecting small objects.
Its search frequency 18 kHz , giving it a very high sensitivity to gold, but also very difficult to detect, for example, usually targets : the poor precious alloy coins , fine coins (even money ) , the small gold coins , small jewelry, native gold nuggets and generally all small objects.
He specializes in research on mineralized ground by experienced prospectors and sharp .
So here , not much to say about its frequency. There are a paragraph on it but there is one thing to remember: It more easily detect small objects … yeah no more. The discourse on gold is more the domain of marketing than anything else . He really did not find much gold a detector to 8kHz … It’s just like the gold objects are often small , he will find it easier = QED. The wireless radio link : transmitter wireless headset WS1 is now directly integrated into the detector and has two channels switchable operation (CH1 and CH2 ) .
Metal Detecting Gold Hammered Coin with XP Goldmaxx Power
Finding a Gold Hammered coin of Henry VIII with my Goldmaxx Power this was a total shock as I was just experimenting and this …
There is simply to say that there is two frequencies for wireless headphones if a friend has the same detection unit not far from you . If a note in passing , if the integration of wireless circuit is nice because we ride less stuff, the disadvantage is that it is still a proprietary interface … So put another wireless headset is not feasible outside of them. At least put a system into the headphone jack wired .
Changing frequency : a new switch ( FREQ SHIFT ) enables the detection frequency shift ( or Freq.1 Freq.2 ) to overcome the interference of other XP ones.
Thereby principle with the sampling frequency if a friend or the same detector the same detection frequency . Hop frequency is shifted a little and voila : less clutter .
New analog filters for improved selectivity through ferrous soils. The halo masking generated by ferrous is significantly reduced. The detection of targets of interest near ferrous becomes easier. Scans can possibly be accelerated if you wish .
Here, we talk about filters. This is the electronic circuit that will determine whether the detected metal is ferrous or another. They improved (we expect no less from this excellent brand ) filtering to better discern the ” ends” of iron alloys or other so-called noble metals. And said circuit more efficient in this case, said speed , so speed improved detection ! We will be able to detection while jogging soon.
XP GoldMaxx Power – Iron Fields
Improved progression sensitivity setting : it is now much more accurate. The end of the sensitivity range was somehow ” zoomed ” to a finer adjustment . This offers the possibility to adjust more easily to the maximum sensitivity.
There they improved the smoothness of the adjustment potentiometer sensitivity. The higher the sensitivity the longer it takes to turn the potentiometer. What can be paid your finely detection sensitivity. In practice you will not feel the difference , except for those who had a first-generation model .
Now the user can set the switching threshold of ferrous serious with the IRON THRESHOLD potentiometer (IRON THRESHOLD ) . This control can be compared to a discrimination range covers only iron . Is finely graduated from 0 to 20 . When you are at 0 , all ferrous sound medium , the more you turn it to 20 , the more you tilt the ferrous serious tone .
This allows for example to switch to do worse than the small nails , always accepting the largest in medium . Because as you know , too much discrimination may affect performance .
Previously, this setting was arbitrarily set standard to suit the majority of prospectors. But beginners want most of the time do not hear ferrous while numbers of enthusiasts prefer to feel a little more to find more coins in difficult terrain.
All this crap to say that you can adjust the sound when the GoldMaxx Power detects ferrous : its not a big serious tone . But it eliminates the sound of ferrous greater the risk to miss a good target badly discriminated (rare on this detector but still possible). Personally I like the sound and based on what I ‘ve found on the area, I know that this is a big nail plate or target bronze head.
In addition, the GoldMaxx Power is equipped with a new power electronic circuit that allows to combine performance and selectivity , the parameters usually very difficult to reconcile. A disc diameter equal to the Gold Maxx Power outperforms its competitors in terms of performance and speed of analysis.
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