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how to search for gold

Metal detectors to search for gold, In our time is a very popular search various artifacts and jewelry, More and more people want to reveal ancient secrets or find a real treasure. For centuries the most common noble precious metal was gold. The most appealing are the jewelry of gold as well as gold bars and coins. For some the search is fascinating work, and other favorite pastime. Earlier in search of gold took a lot of time and effort, because you had to find places where the nuggets and the equipment with which it was possible to get them. Today you can buy metal detectors to search for gold, with which everyone can feel as a treasure hunt.

And buy a metal detector to search for gold to be in a special store in your city or in our online store. Now available a large range of metal detectors, and you can find exactly what you need. When choosing a metal detector to search for gold in the first place it is necessary to pay attention to its specifications, as this is the most important when choosing a device. The main characteristics of this device are:

operating frequency of the device, it will depend on exactly how much the device will detect small objects. It is clear that the higher the frequency, the faster will be the subjects, but with a depth of all turns out exactly, Yes;

depth of detection;

power supply metal detector;

quality of discrimination-the ability to distinguish metals, such as gold from copper.

How to find Gold with a metal detector
