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Metal detector BU how to check how to operate metal detector

Metal detector BU is always profitable price, but there is a chance to take a “bride” who in addition to problems will not give you anything (you are not her first). Minelab Excalibur 2 underwater metal detector.

My friend decided to buy a BU metal detector, and quite expensive, Minelab Explorer SE. Asked me to attend and if possible to check the detector, for the health and lack of “submarine smoldering.” For such a situation, I have a few mandatory points (rather even a verification plan) of what sequence should be checked in a non-new metal detector on a practical example. Precious metal detectors. Check the King of metals.


In the BU metal detector, the first thing I look at is the search coil. One of the most expensive parts of the detector. For beginners, most often the discovery, when they find out how much the coil costs on a metal detector. And although the coil on a metal detector is easiest to replace, the detector with or without a coil, it is a completely different price (on inexpensive metal detectors the difference is x2). Is there a metal detector that signals on gold but not iron.

Metal detector BU how to check how to operate metal detector

The surface of the coil

Checking the surface of the coil. Even 1-2 exits on the cop, will leave on the working (bottom) surface of the coil noticeable traces. And the more of them, the more this metal detector was on the cop. We make sure that there are no chippings and cracks. If there are, there is a high probability that the coil is unsealed and moisture can get inside (as a result of glitches in the work). How to choose cheap but functional metal detector.

In our case, the metal detector Minelab Explorer SE, which was sold with protection to the coil (great thing!). The defense has traces of search, under it the surface is perfect. Which suggests that this reel was always on the lookout with protection. Rent metal detectors and coils need to rent a metal detector.

Checking the ears

If the search coil broke off the ears (the place of attachment to the bar), alas… with a high probability of plus or minus in time (as far as you have the patience to shamanize and repair), but you have to buy a new coil. metal detector coils-choose a search coil for metal detector.

The ears of the coil can break in two cases. Mechanical damage, such as a strong lateral impact. And cracking plastic from the temperature change (came from the winter search and immediately washed the coil with warm water). How to reduce failure when searching in winter.

Check the ears of the coil for integrity and no cracks. Pay attention to the presence of rubber seals! It is they that give the coils the freedom to change the angle relative to the surface, while the coil does not dangle. Separately you can buy seals, and they are not expensive, but you will have to look for them. So it’s better if they’re whole. best gold metal detector for beginners.

Wire coil

Half of the possible glitches in the metal detector are caused by a problem with the coil wire. Most often because there is a “loop” in the coil itself and it shakes the very output of the wire from the coil (depressurization). At the other end of the wire is a connector in a block that very often attaches/disconnects. In addition, the wire inside can be damaged. Information about best metal detector pinpointer reviews.

For 5 minutes of inspection, it is impossible to fully check the wire. In my version, I examine the place where the wire entered the coil (so that everything was whole and without leaks) and the connector itself. diy how to make metal best metal detector for gold prospecting.

Metal detector block

The biggest problems in the metal detector block can be two: water inside the block and the screen. The first is related to the search itself, for example buried the owner of a metal detector in the rain. The second may be as a consequence of the first reason, the problem of electronics or just a banal mechanical damage (for example, in a backpack a shovel pressed the screen). metal detectors top seller 2 cm treasere hunter.

Therefore, we check the unit for integrity, the presence of leaks. Buttons with undamaged film.


I first look at the screen of the metal detector in the device off. It should be even color, without stains. Then turn on and check the output of the picture. metal detectors with picture screen.


One of the obligatory points of check metal detector BU, will be the performance of the metal discriminator. That the metal detector when you turn on the squeak, and when the target is brought under the coil something shows… That doesn’t mean anything. thrace terra 2 pulse induction metal detector discriminator.

When the coil is bugging, the metal detector also squeaks. And when water gets into the electronics block, also “adds” a squeak to such a metal detector. It is important that the device gives a response to the case! Metal Detector Price and Features.

Include any discrimination program that cuts off iron… We bring under the coil the target colored, then black. If everything fits your expectations, then everything is fine. You still do not check for 5 minutes, especially if you hold such a metal detector for the first time. Metal Detector Plus With Selector For Gold And Silver .

In order to quickly check the metal detector BU, it is not necessary to collect the entire detector. Just attach the coil to the block and check. Make sure that the wire turn does not fall close to the coil. Secrets and tricks when working in discrimination mode.

I’m also checking the battery compartment of the metal detector. There is nothing military, the main thing is that it is normally opened/closed and was without leaks from old batteries-accumulators. bounty hunter metal detector owners manual.

Everything else

In the process of checking the metal detector BU, it is worth to look at the barbell of the device. The main thing is that it was whole and fixers worked as it should. Broken barbell (or retainers) problem is a common problem… There was a case when a metal detector on a cop was moved by a car. You can buy a barbell, but it is unlikely that when you buy a B/U metal detector, you also want to spend time buying a barbell. correction gold prices sparked unprecedented interest investing precious metals.

And then it’s up to you. If you buy a metal detector with your hands and the owner is standing next to him, ask him to collect himself and demonstrate the work of the device. First, see how the easiest way to collect your new (in the sense of “not a new”) metal detector, the second owner will demonstrate the work of the discriminator, and you do not have to “stuck” on your own on the move that is now on the screen of the metal detector. what is a distinctive metal detector.


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