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Metal detector with your own hands. Detailed instructions with diagrams

Metal detector with your own hands. Detailed instructions with diagrams

Some people believe that custom metal detectors are inferior in a number of parameters to branded models. But in fact, homemade designs can be in many ways even better sold “competitors”, and the price of the issue will vary by an order of magnitude. Metal Detector Circuit Design electronic pulse metal detector circuit.

Diggers, members of military-historical organizations, local historians to save their budgets often look for cheaper analogues and increasingly think how to assemble a metal detector at home. Homemade metal detectors how to make a metal detector.

How a metal detector works

At the heart of his work is electromagnetic induction. The transmitter coil induces an electromagnetic field, which, when colliding with an electrically conductive object, generates vortex currents and thus distorts the eCC of the coil itself. If the object does not have electrical conductive properties, but has its own magnetic field, then in this case the receiving coil will catch interference by shielding. Interestingly, the metal detector can find objects under electrical conductive layers, while analyzing the

 differences of the electromagnetic field, which for the layer covering the object will be homogeneous, and the object itself will create distortions. All changes in the electromagnetic field are transmitted to the control unit and displayed for perception in the form of beeps or optical signals on the display. Let’s take a closer look at the manufacturing pattern using the example of creating a metal detector “pirate” how a metal detector works simple.

Sprint-Layout scheme

Metal detector pirate with his own hands – a detailed instruction in the manufacture.

To begin with, you will need to make a circuit board on which all the main nodes of the metal detector will be placed. We will produce the so-called LUT method – “laser-ut-yuling technology.” Then we will briefly describe all the stages and preparatory works: Scheme for metal detector How to make a homemade metal detector.

To begin with, you will need to print the diagram on a laser printer, using the Sprint-Layout program. Printing is recommended on photo paper with the lowest density.

We prepare from the textolite a blank measuring 84×31, skin it and clean with solvent.

Apply a printed diagram on top and, covering with a clean sheet of paper, gently iron with a hot iron that would have a toner from the photo paper switched to the board. Metal Detector Circuit Design electronic pulse metal detector circuit.

When the toner is fixed on the scheme, put it in the water and neat movements of fingers clean unnecessary paper.

Carefully adjust the needle smeared areas, then place the board in a solution of chlorine iron or copper vitriol for 1-2 hours.

Remove the toner with a solvent, then drill the holes under the structural elements.

Finally, the fee is left to snare. We smear the surface with a solution “LTI-120” and then gently smear the solder solder. Homemade metal detectors how to make a metal detector.

Montage of elements

Metal detector pirate, scheme. The main structural element in the chip of the homemade metal detector pirate, is the chip KR1006VI1, but if you could not find it, you can use its foreign analogue NE555. Before you snare it, consider that there should be a jumper under it. Homemade metal detector.

The next element is the two-channel amplifier K157UD2, which can be removed from the old Soviet tape recorders in the pre-amplification unit if necessary. Next, we install 2 SMD capacitors per 100 nmF and one resistor will suit the MLT C2-23. We still need to install two transistors, one NPN structure, the second PNP structure. Suitable, for example, VS557 and VS547, but you can pick up analogues. The field transistor will be IRF-740 or any other transistor with similar parameters. C1 capacitors, SW, C5, C6 should be taken with the smallest TKE. This will increase the thermostability of the structure. What is a metal detector and how does it work?

The scheme of the metal detector pirate with their own hands is recommended to carry out with the help of pure canifoli or alcohol-canifol solution. Before you start assembling the entire metal detector design, check the chip’s operation, as it is possible to marry in the elements or overheat them. It is advisable to check on an oscillograph. simple metal detector project.

As you can see to understand how to make a metal detector pirate with their own hands, it is quite simple and special difficulties in finding the necessary elements should not arise. The only thing that will be difficult to get – it amplifier K157UD2, as it is quite an old chip. But as mentioned, it can be easily obtained by sacrificing a Soviet cassette tape recorder or, on the radio market. How to make a metal detector from a magnet at home.

A reel of a homemade metal detector pirate

We make a reel on a 200mm frame, for these purposes will suit the usual pan of appropriate size. The number of turns for the PeV wire with a diameter of 0.5mm should be 25 pieces. But there is one feature. The number of revolutions can be reduced or increased empirically. To determine the optimal amount of it you need a coin and a ruler. We bring a coin to the coil and check with how many turns the coin will be “caught” from the greatest distance. In order that the coil normally held on the rod can be straightened it in a drink for embroidery. How to make a metal detector from a magnet at home.

Other elements of the homemade metal detector pirate and the installation of the barbell

The speaker can be taken from a Chinese portable radio with resistance 8 Om. Also, to set up need two potentiometers for 10 and 100 kOm. Wire from coil to diagram should be used as thick and shielded as possible, in order to eliminate, perhaps, the effects of interference. As for nutrition, this metal detector from 12 B power source is soaked, but it is advisable to install a voltage stabilizer type L7812 at the entrance. After the final health check, you can start making a frame of a homemade metal detector pirate. Is it possible to make a metal detector.

Only general recommendations could be made on this point, as everyone would proceed from what was available. It is advisable to buy 4-5 meters of water pipe from PVC and a couple of jumpers in order to make the rod more comfortable. At the end of the barbell, which you will hold, you can install a comfortable hand stand from a plastic sewer pipe. Then set the board in any suitable size box and fasten on the barbell. As a power source, the battery will be suitable from the screwdriver. It is not too heavy and not too large, and enough for you to last. It should be taken into account only one thing, in the design should not be foreign metal elements, as it will greatly distort the electromagnetic field of the device. do you need a special metal detector for gold.


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