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Portable dental X-ray machines
Portable X-ray machines are used both in the hospital and on the field medical care. They are used for examinations of children and adults, serve to conduct diagnostics in surgery and implantology.

The use of mobile X-ray machines reduces the requirements for the location of the patient's body. This makes the X-ray examination process more flexible, which plays an important role in performing diagnostics in extreme situations or in fixed patients.

Portable X-ray machines for dentistry allow placement in any position relative to the person being examined. The images are taken at the right angle to get an accurate picture of the target area of the dental system. It is possible to use a tripod to secure the device.

Benefits of a portable X-ray machine

The equipment is in increasing demand due to the following qualities:

Low radiation load (due to short exposure time, built-in internal protection);

Small weight (thanks to this mobile X-ray machine is easy to transport);

Good quality images (due to the minimum amount of focal reflection of the X-ray tube and the ability to change the modes of shooting);

Time saving (having built-in memory reduces shooting time);

the possibility of X-ray ingessing during surgery (the patient does not need to get up from the couch or chair and go to the x-ray doctor's office);

battery or network.

In the online store "Stomdised" you can buy portable X-ray machines for dentistry from brands such as Dexcowin (South Korea), DiEdlen Imaging (USA), giMed, GENORAY, Vatech and POSDION (Korea), Mercury and Swidella (China). They are used in surgery, implantology, endodontia.

Choose a portable X-ray machine in the catalog, get to know the prices and description of the models and, if necessary, get advice from our experienced managers.

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