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What is the difference between a professional metal detector

The very principle of searching for different metal detectors is no different, the differences begin when the user makes adjustments to search for treasures and coins according to the conditions of the area.

Metal detectors for pros in addition to programmed settings have manual, subtle settings. Modes are set “under the soil”, “under metal”, “under the size”, “under depth” etc.

Professional metal detectors are set up to search for items from certain metals after exploration of the area. Unlike the simplest with discrimination on 3-5 modes, multi functional have a multi-segment setting discrimination on the type of metals.

The exceptions are narrow-minded search engines, such as a metal detector for gold.

Ground-building is a function that is almost non-existent in entry-level metal detectors. The professional has the ability to customize the search exactly according to the soil and litter level. The menu has appropriate programs and the ability to manually customize.

What is the difference between a professional metal detector

Thanks to this function, the search with a metal detector is effective, the signal reaches the goal regardless of the mineralization of the soil, the presence of “hot” stones, mixed soils.

Professional metal detectors “are not distracted” by the extraneous interference found in littered areas and soils with high mineralization due to the “interference” function. Thus, the user does not receive false signals, does not waste time on useless excavations, search for treasures and coins goes purposefully.

The Pin-Point feature in the pros determines the position of the find with maximum accuracy, displaying coordinates on the screen – the depth of the lie and position relative to the edges of the coil. All that’s left is to stick a shovel and dig up a treasure. The best mid-level metal detector will not be able to determine the position of the target so accurately.

Ground professional metal detectors are equipped with a very informative display, which reflects absolutely all levels of settings, working parameters and search results. The response time of such devices is negligible and the information on the display is displayed instantly.

Typically, high-frequency or multi-frequency metal detectors with the option of selecting frequency or automatic setting by parameters.

The coils of the best metal detectors are powerful and highly sensitive. Some manufacturers complete their products with additional coils of another principle of action. Expensive appliances also include protective covers, headphones and other useful accessories.

Professional metal detectors often have good protection against moisture and temperature changes, so the search for a metal detector can be carried out in any weather.

It is worth noting that effectively professional metal detectors work only with the right settings, optimally chosen relative to the search terms and each other. Not everyone has enough knowledge and experience to correctly put all the parameters. The best metal detector can turn into a useless toy, if you do not know how to use it.


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