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What to choose Minelab X-Terra 705 or Garrett Ace 250 with Nel reel

 What to choose Minelab X-Terra 705 or Garrett Ace 250

The Garrett Ace 250 metal detector, supplemented by a powerful reel from Nel, is considered a classic combination in search practice. However, not all treasure hunters hold the same opinion and to improve search efficiency try to buy a new more powerful metal detector. According to similar characteristics, the most successful alternative is the detector of the Australian brand Minelab X-Terra 705, equipped with a standard coil. It is worth comparing these two options by analyzing the depth of detection, the quality of discrimination and the accuracy of the indicators.

The first parameter is the depth of detection, directly related to the properties of the sensor used, i.e. the search coil. Its shape, size and frequency determine the amount of soil captured, which means the depth of the search and the coverage of the study area. The standard Minelab X-Terra 705 includes a 10.5-inch-diameter DD coil with a frequency of 7.5 kHz. This is a standard version designed for universal search and medium sensitivity to finds.

What to choose Minelab X-Terra 705 or Garrett Ace 250 with Nel reel

If you use a large Nel Tornado coil in combination with Garrett Ace 250, the detection depth will be higher. Compared to standard coils, it allows you to detect finds one and a half times deeper, thanks to the increased size – 12×13 inches and built-in signal amplifier. The shape in the form of a “butterfly” provides good sensitivity on areas with highly mineralized soil. Despite its large size, the coil is quite light and weighs only about 600 grams. In addition, it perfectly divides metals, easily distinguishing iron from valuable finds.

The X-Terra 705 metal detector is suitable for most search tasks because of its versatility, but additional options are worth using to unlock the full potential of this multi-frequency device. You can choose reels with reduced or higher frequency, depending on the search goal. For large finds, in particular military relics or large treasures used coils with a low frequency of 3 kHz, and for small purposes – coins, scales, jewelry need a coil with a high frequency – 18 kHz. However, this kit will be significantly higher than the cost of the Garrett Ace 250 kit with the Nel reel.

The quality of discrimination is the second most important parameter of any metal detector. The better its performance, the more finds the device is able to detect. If we compare Garrett Ace 250 and Minelab X-Terra 705, the second detector significantly exceeds the first in terms of differences of finds, especially this affects areas heavily littered with metal. Minelab has 28 segments of discrimination, and the number of masks stored is 4, including a special iron mask. This gives great advantages in search and Ace 250 in this sense loses.

Another important parameter for searching is the accuracy of the indicators that the metal detector demonstrates. Field tests have shown that the Garrett Ace 250 with Nel coil does not always correctly display the depth of detection, leading to unnecessary digging and loss of time. Minelab is more stable and almost always gives accurate readings. In addition, PinPoint x-Terra 705 determines the location of the target as accurately as possible.

What option to choose the treasure hunter decides himself, based on their financial capabilities and taking into account search problems. However, if you are to choose the most effective version of the metal detector, it is better to buy minelab X-Terra 705 with a standard coil, and later try to expand its capabilities with additional accessories.


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