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evolv metal detector price

The pricing for the Evolv Express weapons detection system varies based on the leasing arrangements and specific configurations. Generally, the costs are reported to be around $2,500 to $3,000 per month per gate under a typical four-year lease agreement.

evolv weapons detection system cost

The cost of the Evolv weapons detection system, specifically the Evolv Express model, can vary significantly based on the scale of deploym...

For larger implementations, such as those in schools or stadiums, the total costs can be significant. For example, one school district's implementation plan projected a total expenditure of approximately $10.7 million over four years, which includes shipping, installation, accessories, subscription fees, and maintenance.

evolv security metal detector training


  evolv metal detector Evolv Security offers advanced training and operational support for its Evolv Express weapons detection system, which...

This pricing reflects the system's advanced capabilities, including its ability to screen large volumes of people rapidly up to 3,600 individuals per hour while maintaining a seamless flow without requiring individuals to stop or empty their pockets.
