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Scheme for metal detector How to make a homemade metal detector

 With the onset of spring more and more often on the banks of rivers you can meet people with metal detectors. Most of them are engaged in "golden fishing" purely out of curiosity and excitement. But a certain percentage does earn a lot of money on the search for rare gizmos. The secret to the success of such research is not only in the experience of work, information and intuition, but also in the quality of the equipment they are equipped with. A professional tool is expensive, and if you know the basics of knowledge on radio mechanics, you probably have thought more than once about how to make a metal detector with your own hands. The editors of the site will come to your aid and tell you today how to assemble the device yourself with the help of schemes.

Scheme for metal detector How to make a homemade metal detector

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The metal detector works like this: the magnetic power lines of the primary field (A) of red pass through the metal object (B) and create a secondary field (green lines) in it. This secondary field catches the waiting room, and the detector sends a beep to the operator. On the basis of the way emitters work, electronic devices of this type can be divided into:

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In an induction metal detector, there is one coil that sends and receives the signal at the same time. But devices with pulse induction differ in that it generates the current of the transmitter, which is turned on for a while and then abruptly disconnected. The coil field generates pulsed vortex currents in the object, which detect by analyzing the fading of the pulse in the receiveer coil. This cycle is repeated continuously, maybe hundreds of thousands of times per second.

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Dynamic type devices. The simplest type of device that scans the field all the time. The main feature of working with such a device - you need to be in motion all the time, otherwise the signal will disappear. Such devices are easy to use, however, they are weakly sensitive.

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Pulse-type devices. Have a great sensitivity. Often to such a device goes an additional several coils to adjust to different types of soils and metals. Require certain skills to set up. Among the devices of this class, you can distinguish electronic devices that work at a low frequency - no higher than 3 kHz.

Homemade gold digger with great depth. How to assemble a homemade metal detector to find gold? Scheme for metal detector with hands of non-ferrous metals.

How metal detector works by purpose and technical device

The modus operandi of the metal detector varies depending on the type of device. Let's look at the most important:

How to make a metal detector

Is it possible to make a metal detector in the home, there is nothing impossible idea start small and try more than once can get to the invention of the asymptotic for metal detectors in the market.

Watch this video that explains the idea

To  find a treasure or to find lost metal objects, this experiment is very useful. It's a metal detector made with simple items that you'll have at home.

How to make a homemade metal detector

A great idea to entertain you, put your hands in action, and create a fun device for bring mystery and surprise to your walks on the beach, the countryside or wherever you want. For those who tend to drop small items, not find them then, this will also be a good solution: learn to create your own metal detector.create a metal detector on your own by using the calculator and cd and dvd.

Necessary elements

To make a homemade metal detector you will need:

-. small size calculator

-1 Blank CD

-1 DVD

-Headphone common (which you are comfortable)


-Electrical insulating tape

-Glue for glasses or universal

-1 9V battery

To operate the detector simply placed the headphones on your ears and move the piece near the floor or surface you want to analyze."

How to make metal detector

Take the cable from the headphones and removes the plug or connector. In each cable you will see two smaller inside, one with a plastic coating and the other free. It separates all and peel them, and adhere the tip of one of the wires without coating on the Virgin DVD disk, by placing adhesive and insulating tape apart, that is, the tape must be on the cable and not over glue. Then takes the cable without the other part of the headset, and attach it on the blank CD, also using the adhesive and insulating Strip in the same way.

The next step is to take the other cables with the color-coated, and place tape color wire to which it adheriste to DVD, and secure it with tape to the negative pole of the battery of 9V. Then, takes color wire from the set attached to the CD, and secure it with tape to the positive pole of the battery.

Then take the common calculator and turn it on.Secure with tape over the center of the CD, on the same side where you adheriste the cable above. Now place the DVD on the calculator on (like a sandwich with disk covers) and firmly holding the entire piece with tape. Place the battery to the center of the DVD and secure it with tape, so that it cannot fall.To operate the detector simply placed the headphones on your ears and move the workpiece near the floor or surface you want to analyze. Without metals in sight you will not hear any sound, but if you approach a metal (though be buried or hidden up to 25 centimeters of distance) you will hear static noise.

With this homemade metal detector you can entertain yourself, finding lost items and, who knows, perhaps to find some hidden treasure in your days of walk.

Without metals in sight you will not hear any sound, but if you approach a metal (though be buried or hidden up to 25 centimeters of distance) you will hear static noise."

More recently, on the well-known site AliExpress appeared an unusual device for the search for metals, which according to the description is a new generation of metal detectors at super-large distances. It works in conjunction with a separate remote control (radio channel) and performs remote sensing of the area to search for non-ferrous and black metals. The system works as a kind of radar, taking and filtering signals released vertically and horizontally. The device is characterized by small size and ease of use, as well as the speed of detection of targets in search. It is designated ASCs (AKS).

How to make a metal detector in their home

How to make your own metal detector?

What is a metal detector and how does it work?

simple metal detector project
