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What to find with a metal detector best hobby metal detector


What to find with a metal detector best hobby metal detector

All search engines that poorly go to the cop, that do not climb out of the fields, dream in general about the same – to find as many coins, in good condition and even preferably rare. But as you know, luck smiles not everyone, in the fields, in addition to the finds of interest to us lies a huge number of all sorts of things. what do find with a garrett at pro metal detector.

The truth is not necessarily that they will be worthless, among the items caught at different times and for various reasons in the ground is not a little quite interesting and valuable. It is in this moment and concluded all the exciting attraction of the cop. Another pure signal on the coil makes the heart beat more often, and the imagination already draws a pot of coins or a silver ruble. find metal detector spots and austin.

What comes across


First of all of course they are. Most often come across one by one, these are the so-called losses. It is much less common to find wallets – several coins in one place and it is very rare to raise a treasure – a few dozen or hundreds of coins. metal detector finds 840 gold coins.

The composition of them by the type of metal, the year of coinage and preservation can be very different and depends on the specific place. In one place come across mostly some tips, in another copper, in the third and both, and even diluted with silver. The main part of them, of course, will not have a high price, but nevertheless it is still very nice to lift them out of the ground. Finds with the Fisher F2 Metal Detector Reviews.

Rare coins are often not so rare, during the search season usually manages to raise about a dozen worthy copies and only a couple of them will be really valuable. kids metal detector that works and finds coin.

Metal plastics

It comes in second place in importance and interest. It includes icons, folds, crosses and crosses. These items are quite often caught on old tracts, but not whole, and with severe damage or in the form of shrapnel.

Finding unscathed any of the above mentioned items – it’s a great luck. Such finds are assessed in good condition quite highly. What should be the metal detector to find gold.

Medals, tokens and badges

Also from time to time fall under the coil md. W2 w2awards are not subject to sale (prohibited by law), so in terms of benefits they are not of interest. Ancient medals come across very rarely, to raise any of them is true luck, and the cost of them often fluctuates in the area of the wormhole. Find Gold Nugget with the Minelab GPX-4500 Metal Detector.

Only those that are made of brass and have a mount on the screws can be distinguished from the signs and badges.

Particular interest are tokens, if they have inscriptions, numbers, stigma, they will also successfully go to the auction .

Buttons and buckles

Buttons of all stripes come across in the fields quite regularly. They can be copper, silver and gilded, hence the cost of them is different. They, as well as coins, are evaluated on rarity and safety. Treasure Hunting Teknetics G2 Metal Detector First Finds Reviews.

The buckle – found on the cop always pleases. It is painfully rare such finds can not be called, for the season usually comes across 5-6 pieces. That’s just in good condition they come across not often. Some of them someone leaves for himself, using for the purpose, the other sells at auctions in the range of 400 -1500 rubles. amazing finds with metal detectors.


Most often find rings, rings, earrings, chains and pendants.


Horse meat or horse ornaments are present almost always and everywhere. They are made of colored metal, which gives a wonderful signal, which is impossible not to dig. Many because of this do not like her, but it is impossible not to agree that sometimes jewelry is well very beautiful and intricate. Treasure hunter finds million with metal detectors.

Values such products have no, except for all sorts of bells and bells. They are known to be an invariable attribute of any drawn wagon. The cost of them depends on the size, presence of inscriptions or the brand of the master who made it. best metal detector finds reviews.

In addition to the above-mentioned finds of any search engine is accompanied by the so-called companion. It includes ubiquitous vodka and beer corks, parts of copper utensils, bronze and brass parts from machinery, pieces of wire, casings, etc. how to find the missing jewelry using metal detectors.

From all this attribution you can try to sell only some varieties of corks, parts from samovars and just interesting items.

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When considering what to find with a metal detector and which models are best for hobbyists, several factors come into play, including the type of detector and the environment in which you plan to search. Here’s a concise overview of what you can expect to find and recommendations for suitable detectors.

Common Finds with Metal Detectors

Hobbyists typically search for various items, including:

Coins: Often found in parks, old homes, and public areas.

Jewelry: Rings, bracelets, and necklaces can be discovered on beaches or in recreational areas.

Relics: Historical artifacts from past civilizations or military items, especially in historically rich regions.

Precious Metals: Gold and silver items can be sought after in areas known for mining or near rivers where gold panning occurs.

Best Metal Detectors for Beginners

For those new to metal detecting, several models stand out due to their user-friendliness and effectiveness:

Nokta Simplex BT

Features: Lightweight (2.6 lbs), waterproof up to 16 feet, multiple preset modes for different environments (beach, fields, parks).

Performance: Known for its depth detection capabilities; effective at picking up various metals including gold and copper.

Minelab Vanquish 440

Features: Multifrequency technology allows better discrimination between different metals; suitable for various terrains.

Performance: Highly regarded for its accuracy and ease of use, making it a great choice for beginners.

Garrett Ace 400

Features: User-friendly with a bright display; includes features like ground balance and target identification.

Performance: Effective for finding coins, jewelry, and relics; a solid choice for those starting out.

Minelab X-Terra Pro

Features: Offers good value with advanced features; suitable for various detecting conditions.

Performance: Well-reviewed for its depth detection and ability to handle electromagnetic interference effectively.

Nokta Legend

Features: Multi-purpose detector that performs well in diverse environments including saltwater beaches.

Performance: Known for its robust build and depth capabilities; excellent choice for all skill levels.

Choosing the right metal detector can significantly enhance your hobby experience. Beginners should consider models like the Nokta Simplex BT or Minelab Vanquish 440 for their ease of use and effectiveness. As you gain experience, exploring more advanced models like the Minelab Manticore may yield even better results as you hunt for coins, jewelry, and historical relics.
