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bounty hunter metal detector owners manual

bounty hunter metal detector owners manual In the category Bounty Hunter metal detectors videos more articles and learn more information about bounty hunter metal detector owners manual Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

Bounty Hunter Metal detectors is a simple, reliable and usually cheap devices appeared on the market with the United States 1970-ies. Today it is the only brand which produces digital analog detectors. You can mark one-of-a-kind compact pointer metal detector Bounty Hunter Junior, with excellent discrimination and suitable for use by adults and children alike. Compact metal detector having discrimination and recognizes black and non-ferrous metals. Can be used to search for coins in the parks and on the beach. Simple, reliable, exciting metal detector, detection of metals. 3 search modes, 2 tone. Great for searching ferrous and non-ferrous metals.


Bounty Hunter Discovery 1100 Metal detector combines low cost and functionality. The device has an integrated display displays the type of the identified goals (3 categories), and shows the depth of the object (4 segments). Detector Discovery 1100 has the function of discrimination with the possibility of switching on


Bounty Hunter Discovery 2200 metal detector Bounty Hunter Discovery 2200 metal detector increased functionality for beginners and advanced users. Has a set of all the necessary features for comfortable search and is quite inexpensive. Of course, there is the LCD that displays a variety of information and keyboard settings.


Viking Vk40 metal detector with concentric search dish that gains ability to detect more deep. It offers 3 modes of detection; movement, not motion detection and detection of all metals. It has a very easy menu with 5 pushbuttons to control all the functions. Viking Vk40 metal detector features:


Fisher F11 Metal Detector is able to operate in three different modes: jewelry, Coin and artifact. Includes Pinpoint and a system of adjustment of sensitivity and volume. There are 4 beeps audio and 9 segments with Target ID. Works just a 9V battery. It’s a lightweight metal detector that


White´s CoinMaster metal detector has five levels of discrimination to You can choose which targets search. The identification of objective indicates the depth to where the object is located. In ‘All Metal’ mode you will be able to detect all kinds of metal. This detector control box is sturdy


MineLab X-Terra 505 metal detector is a detector of middle-range with high performance, intended for amateur seekers seeking a detector with advanced capability, great depth and excellent discrimination. It is the ideal all-terrain that will bring its experience in detection at the highest level. How it works are both


X-Terra 305 is designed for those who are new to this hobby, an ideal detector for those who want a professional appliance while they take their first steps in the field of detection. The X-Terra 305 metal detector serves for the whole family and there is even a shorter


Turning your cell phone into a metal detector, thanks to the technologies that have arrived to our pockets through smart phones, we can have in a simple way some tools that will help us with this type of situation. And it is that mobile phones today have many sensors.

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