Fisher F44 metal detector Field Test In the category Fisher Metal Detectors videos more articles and learn more information about Fisher F44 metal detector Field Test Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.
Fisher F44 metal detector Field Test
Fisher F44 metal detector was created based on the experience of thousands of search engines around the world. Before releasing the device for sale, it was tested by hundreds of independent search engines, living in times of the world, in different conditions.
First of all, it should be noted that the device is powered by only two “AA” batteries, so you do not need to spend on batteries. Perhaps it is the most effective metal detector in terms of energy saving. Fisher engineers reduced the weight of the device by reducing the amount, while retaining the power transferred to the coil. This is achieved by creating special energy efficient electrical circuits of the device. The weight of detector Fisher F44 turned out to be nothing-only 900 grams. Detector weight reduction adds comfort and increases search time.Fisher f-2 metal detector
Fisher F44 Metal Detector has a large LCD screen, conveniently displays all the information needed for the search. First of all, this is a large number of VDI in the center. On it you will determine what you have found. Top 9-segment indicator Target ID. This is the second independent source of information about the target. On the right is the index of the search program under which the battery status indicator. To the left of the VDI number is a pointer to the depth of the found object, as well as an iron oxide level indicator in soil. To the left are located the iron presence in the soil, menu and Icon back light screen.
F44 is equipped with concentric mono-reel of large size 11 “or 27.5 cm. The coil changes the shape of the signal beam and makes the device more selective to a range of targets. Unlike the usual round coil, the cone at the Fisher F44 Reel is flatteneded across and stretched along the longitudinal axis. This, on the one hand, improves the selectivity of detector, on the other, increases the depth of detection.
The Fisher F44 Metal Detector uses well-developed technologies from previous models. it is a patented technology, which allows you to adjust the volume of the sound of the iron separately from the volume of the sound of non-ferrous metals. This gives an advantage in searching for heavily trashyed iron and rust spots. Usually when iron is very much the search engine includes discrimination. By adding a new filter metal detector (regardless of the brand of the device!) loses its sensitivity, thus “cuts” the iron. The Fetone technology allows you to either completely disable or reduce the sound of the iron while it is in the mode of all metals. This saves batteries, does not strain the search engine and most importantly, does not reduce the sensitivity of the device. And that you do not miss places rich in iron debris (farms, inns, disappeared villages, etc.) The device will show you the presence of iron in the ground with a special icon Fe. In such places it is necessary to conduct a search more carefully and carefully, because the probability of valuable finds increases considerably.
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Today the world produces metal detectors of various kinds. There are specialized devices optimized for the search of specific purposes. For example, metal detectors to find native gold. As a rule, manufacturers try to make devices universal, because it is impossible to know exactly where and what they will look for. However, many devices have their subtleties and nuances, without knowledge of which you can either overpay for unnecessary functions, or buy a device that will be difficult and inefficient to use for your search terms. Therefore, if you decide to buy a metal detector, we advise you to read the review on our site, watch the video, it is very useful to at least read the instructions on the operation and reading reviews. And, of course, we are ready to share our experience and give you a good advice, which metal detector is best for you. So call and write!
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