Gas sensors and hazardous substances In the category carbon monoxide detectors more articles and learn more information about Gas sensors and hazardous substances Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.
The evolution of electronic sensors of gas did soon include in their work the sensitivity to other dangerous substances such as smoke and carbon monoxide.
The evolution of electronic sensors of methane gas and liquid propane gas (LPG) did soon include in their work the sensitivity to other dangerous substances that may be present in the home environment.
Among the most significant are those related to detecting the presence of carbon monoxide or simply of smoke which could be indicative of an outbreak of fire, but in some cases it may also be a false alarm.
The management of false alarms is a problem is not always simple to treat, you can still find electronic detection devices on the market of gas and fumes where you can inhibit the activity of survey if your environment, such as in the kitchen, at certain times being produced amount of smoke, related to cooking food that might generate false alarms.
The practical rules and considerations about the installation of detectors with these functions are the same rules and considerations that apply to electronic sensors of methane gas, in each case and for each type of sensor, you need to provide proper maintenance, being essentially of measuring instruments that over time can lose their accuracy.
Specific tools, typically provided to technicians and specialized firms, are able, if used regularly, to check the efficiency of the sensors with the most reliable responses assessment techniques that could be verified with the classic flame test of lighter or lit cigarette near the sensor that you want to test.
Typically a good reference to that effect, is provided by the manufacturers, based on observations related to the type of environments in which there are sensors and from activities in these times.
Ideally the verification activities and maintenance of individual sensors and any more complex systems of detection of hazardous conditions, should be planned but almost always in reality you can’t get things done.
This is why manufacturers of devices to detect dangerous conditions generally provide the same devices to auto-check or self test, performed which are reported any difficulties. Also from an electrical point of view, generally the power of such devices is made with preferential lines, separate from the ordinary electrical loads.
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