go find 60 metal detector In the category Metal Detectors Videos more articles and learn more information about go find 60 metal detector Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.
go find 60 metal detector
Minelab Go Find 60 Metal Detector
Minelab Go-Find 60 Metal detector is a senior representative of the new metal detectors line of Go-Find, equipped with many useful features, positioning device for the category experienced job seekers. The original design of the detector is perfectly combined with rich functionality and quality.
Go Find 60 unboxing and air test
Go Find 60 Metal Detector On Pasture & Silver
Light weight, compact size and body, which is composed, allow you to easily transport the metal detector to search the place and convenient to store at home. Folded length detektoru is only 56 centimeters, and decomposed its size can be increased up to 130 cm. All parts are made of high quality durable plastic, which is a worthy competition to traditional metal.
Minelab Go-Find 60 runs with four installed programs that facilitate the search. Display is equipped with both a high information and intuitive indication. Discriminating metal detector with range plus that expands the possibilities for recognition. 10-inch search coil and the 5-level setting the sensitivity to ensure a good result.
Bluetooth wireless system allows you to directly connect with Smartphone, using advanced software. Set the metal detector is a special case for Smartphone that you can pin to your hand. To improve the recognition of audio signal it is recommended to use the headphones, which are also included in the package.
Minelab Go Find 60 Metal Detector Depth Test
Minelab Go Find 60 Metal Detector In Depth Test
Minelab Go-Find 60 Metal Detector Review
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