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Hunting with a metal detector and places to search

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Hunting with a metal detector and places to search

Hunting with a metal detector and places to search

Places to search with a metal detector can be varied , but they should not be selected randomly . These places need to be carefully selected so as not to waste their time and money wasted , and search with the metal detector hobby afforded you the satisfaction and benefit. How to find a suitable and convenient place to look for ?

Explore the site and search for a future trip . Collect information about these cherished places and potential findings from different sources. This can be reliable information about historical events , old maps , legends , newspapers , magazines, photos and video , media , Internet, from witnesses and associates on the hobby, from my own observations .

Potential sites for “hunting” with a metal detector

There are hundreds of places to ” hunt” with a metal detector and it does not make sense to list them , just look around. Naturally, the place of any activity , accommodation and holiday places people are “hunting” . However, it is worth mentioning some of the places where the “hunt” with a metal detector will give you the satisfaction and benefit with a high probability ( nearly 100 %):

City parks and recreation parks

The beaches and resort area

Places of entertainment and water rides

Designated hunting and fishing

Designated picnic

Basements and attics of old buildings

Designated military battles

The banks of rivers and places of old piers

plowed field

Abandoned gold mines

Places Search for Meteorites

Where to go Metal Detecting for SILVER,OLD CoIns & GoLd Rings

However, not all of these potentially successful sites can be enjoyed “hunting” with a metal detector . Territory or facility that you have chosen to conduct the search , it may be a private or public property. So be sure to ask about this at the moment and need to get permission from the property owner, if necessary.

Typically, private property owners always give consent . Why ? Because , without making any effort , they can have a share of your findings.

Be sure to know that the historical places and battle sites are protected by state and are not available for the ” hunt” with a metal detector .

Always remember that in any field to search with a metal detector to dig behind dug holes , take away with you and dispose of the found ” metal junk” . Respect for fellow hobby and do not do other people’s negative attitude towards hobby search.
