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Introduction to signals treasures and valuables

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Introduction to signals treasures and valuables

Introduction to signals treasures and valuables

At first the researcher or expert or with reference to interpretation that teaches the following:

First: the semiotics and interpretation is logical science begins to solve the puzzle towards goal and ends with calculate distance and depth and shape of the target. And from what location explained and defined the nature and direction.

II: more treasures and valuables outdated or known mediaeval Roman and Byzantine periods and is often easiest, and Jewish and is most difficult in terms of interpretation and effort and most serious

Question: where is the risk posed by location on the allaki Finder?


The nature of the place where there are many of them in the mountains and valleys walmghr anonymous.

Monitoring: he is known to many and the fact he most researchers in this field presence, it types:

Monitoring of witchcraft or so-called use Elves to hide allaki.

Mechanical monitoring and some call trap tool to kill Finder before reaching the target/snare/

Chemical monitoring is monitoring some deny it and put some other interpretations, is based on a toxic substance spread into place the moment open grave or lifting cover trove.

Note: you may know a lot of the references to other references search report cautions that this place is and that he will die if the search continued, and more use the warning are the Jews

What are the factors that control the place hidden?

First: the first mode grave or hidden then put the reference adopted reference to place an adopted hidden trove on the place and nature of the region.

Secondly: there are some areas which facilitates making reference person can control a signal as yhabolkn there are places very harsh nature. These references are important even if simple and completely irregular.

III: civilization-time and place: a task for that timeless beliefs and its cults and Islamic civilization of altitkhtlf, there are specific references to specific eras and civilizations and not for others, such as alshalhalihodet or alihodihau Byzantine cross-party star or seal the famous Macedonian …

IV: nature trove itself: is it a book you put asharhalketab or jewels, jewels or signals are gold and silver and so on …

V. external factors: such as wars, disasters and here is a rudimentary signal and rapidly and this applies more thing on the Turkish flags are of two types:

Type i: military signals of koblkadh army, officers and draw them maps either stones or skin or anything else

Type II: signals made by individuals and much less quantity and signals ghalbabsith


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