OKM FS-Thermoscan
OKM FS-Thermoscan is a measuring device for detecting the temperature in the surrounding environment . Thus, this detector can identify the hot and cold seats , and the data field may be used for the conclusion that detected .
OKM FS-Thermoscan is a measuring device for detecting the temperature in the surrounding environment . Thus, this detector can identify the hot and cold seats , and the data field may be used for the conclusion that, for the detected hidden objects and structures. OKM FS-Thermoscan can be used as a standalone device or may be connected to the Earth Imager eXp 4000 and eXp 5000. It can thus even be 3d graph of the results obtained.
Possible applications :
Detection of spaces underground ( caves , tunnels, chambers , chests ....)
Visualization of the distribution of the temperature at a location
Measuring the difference in temperature at a given location.
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OKM FS-Thermoscan is a useful and compact unit. May create 3 -D images with high resolution at a given pitch by measuring the temperature differences on the surface of the earth.
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Thanks to the built-in laser pointer it is possible to accurately measure the temperature . The device works remotely, without the need to touch the surface of the point you want to measure . It can thus be made to measurements at remote locations, which is particularly useful in rough terrains .
OKM FS-Thermoscan Detection of spaces underground
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