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old roman gold coins

Old Roman Calendar Old Roman Catholic Church Life In Roman Times Everyday Life In Roman Times Slavery In Roman Times Ancient Roman Art Ancient Roman Clothing Ancient Roman Dessert Recipes Ancient Roman Sports Value Of Roman Gold Coins Ancient Roman Gold Coins Ancient Roman Coin Value.

ancient greek coins information

Ancient Greek coins. He admitted the sculpture of the Greeks, Buy authentic ancient Greek and Roman coins ancient Greek coins for sale, anci...

Auris (Aureus)

The first Roman llmbratoret gold coin was called the Auris (Aureus). Auris printed from the first century BC to the fourth century a.d. onwards replaced balsolids (Solidus) which I will speak about later.

Julius Caesar (Julius Caesar) first to alauris weight limit is 1/40 of a Roman weight allibra (322-329 grams) or equivalent to 8 grams. These weights to work alauris existed to Nero (Nero).

Download Nero custody block alauris to 45/1 Roman weight allibra (322-329 grams) or the equivalent of 7.3 grams.

Roman Coin Identification Pictures

In addition to gods and goddesses Roman coins Empire were often depicted personalized ideas or virtue. These figures have changed from relea...

Caesars era alauris 8 g

Julius Caesar (Julius Caesar) (Republican Period)

Aka Republican Roman dictator (Dictator of the Roman Republic)

His 100 BC – 44 BC.

Wisdom of 49 BC – 44 BC.

Auris 8 g Julius worth $ 40,000

Marcus Jones Proteaceae (Marcus Junius Brutus) (Republican Period)

His 85 BC – 42 BC.

Wisdom of 44 BC – 42 BC.

Auris 8.07 g RAS Proteaceae estimated 525 000 €

Ancient Coins Identification

In addition to gods and goddesses Roman coins Empire were often depicted personalized ideas or virtue. These figures have changed from relea...

Marcus Antonius (Marcus Antonius) (Republican Period)

His 83 b.c. to 30 b.c.

Wisdom of 42 BC – 30 BC.

Auris 8.07 g RAS Marcus estimated 48000 €

Julius Caesar auktavianos Augustus (Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus Augustus) (Imperial Period)

The first known balmbrator llmbratoret Roman (1st Emperor of the Roman Empire)

His 63 b.c.-14 m.

Wisdom 27 b.c. – 14 m.

Auris 7.87 g top auktavianos estimated $ 63500

Taibrios Claudius Nero (Tiberius Claudius Nero) (Imperial Period)

His 42 b.c.-37 m.

Wisdom 14 m. – 37 m.

Auris 7.75 g head taibrios worth $ 10,000

Aka Caius Caligula Caesar (Caesar-Caius Caligula Nickname) (Imperial Period)

His 12 m-14 m.

Wisdom 37 m. – 41 m.

Auris 7.75 g RAS Caligula estimated $ 64,000

How to Safely Store Your Coin Collection

How to Safely Store Your Coin Collection Coin collections have a deep and rich history, and in order to preserve this history, you need to s...

Protect the preservation and storage of your coin collection

Reliably protect and preserve your coins for future generations. Properly storing and protecting your coin collection will keep it in excell...

All That Glitters: Unearthing the Mystique of Gold Greek Coins

The Timeless Appeal of Gold Greek Coins Today we embark on a fascinating journey to uncover the mysterious allure of gold Greek coins. The...
