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At the New Zealand Island found gold

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At the New Zealand Island found gold

At the New Zealand Island found gold Review

Group of geophysicists from New Zealand and the United States, exploring the underground reservoirs of the North Island, discovered large deposits of gold and silver. Volcanic zone, located near Lake Taupo, only preliminary estimate contains 6 major fields that could yield billions in profits annually.

Concentration of precious metals in groundwater is quite high: Gold-ratio of more than 20 000 ppb, silver-more than 2 thousand. When properly organized process of production even two of the six fields, Rotokava and Mokai can give from 680 to 7500 kg of silver and 70 kg of gold a year. Accordingly, it would mean the flow into the coffers of New Zealand 3-6, 5 billion dollars.

However, to the question of reserve gold and silver extraction from the bowels of the North Island should be approached very carefully. Crater Lake Taupo, which is about 27 million years ago was formed after a powerful eruption of the volcano of the same name, is one of the largest freshwater bodies of New Zealand, on the banks of which love relax and locals and tourists. The spa zone visit Taupo annually approximately 1.2 million people, and the technology of the extraction of precious metals from water and ground rocks involves the use of arsenic and antimony that insecure in cases when there is conducted using geothermal waters. So scientists will have to smash his head on the issue of how to extract precious metals, without harming the ecology of the resort. In particular, publication in specialized journal Geothermics considering organization of wells with water shock of not less than 100 litres per second that would “wash away” gold and silver.

Note that the confirmed reserves of gold in New Zealand accounted for 372 tons, silver-308 tons, while the production of precious metals is now from 10 to 30 tons per year. In prehistoric times in the center of the island of New Zealand as a result of the collapse of caves formed a bottomless pit in the twenty-five miles in length and twenty wide. The water was from the surrounding mountains in the great depression, turned it into a Lake, Lake-abyss, because so far no one lot was unable to reach its bottom. Jules Verne, the children of Captain grant.

Oruanui eruption of volcanoes Taupo in New Zealand was the largest volcanic eruption in the world in recent years 70000. Volcanic ash from the eruption, as calculated by scientists, covered 18-centimeter layer of land within a radius of 1000 km from the volcano. As a result funnel and partially filled Lake Taupo. It is in this area, by the way, survived the New Zealand part of their adventure heroes of the famous novel by Jules Verne children of Captain grant.
