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Choose a deep metal detector

Choose a deep metal detector In the category treasure hunting more articles and learn more information about Choose a deep metal detector Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

deep penetrating metal detectors Review how to know deep of target by tm 808

Deep metal detector is most commonly used to search for items at great depths. If you decide to buy a deep metal detector then read our recommendations. There really is such a class of devices and it is called Root. The word speaks for itself, search for items at great depths. Most ground detectors is absolutely not suited for this type of search because they operate differently.

Standard ground units can locate the PIN in the Earth, and of course the Tower from the tank but they do not have the ability to be configured to locate large items. All this is due to the fact that they have a completely different algorithm of work. can run up to 6 meters, but more often they work up to 4 meters. There are two main types of this Framework and receiver transmitter on the rod.

Framework through the large square frame captures a large sector of the scanned area. But it has a minus is that it is difficult to determine the center of the object. Receiver-transmitter has good accuracy determination of the Centre of the iron object but minus his is a narrow sector scan. More convenient with this appliance will search in the Woods, reeds and tall grass. But framework detector many times faster will find tank in the field or in the pond.

You already realize that selecting this class of the appliance it is necessary to take into account the terrain which will search. What adventures will you have in the way of using deep metal detector.

It is important to correctly configure the device on the ground. Otherwise, you are waiting for the false positives (phantom signals) which are perceived inexperience for the useful signal and when calculating the Center goal start excavations. As a result, you will dig a 3-4 meter and not what is not detected. After such cases immediately it becomes clear that it is necessary to use the technique correctly. learns

First: make your ground for test subjects. Polygon will accelerate understanding of technology. For the test should be such items as small as a subject of type cans of beer, the average size of casserole or helmet, large barrel and long the subject pipe.

Second: you need to learn the instrument as it sounds if the object at the maximum distance from the search coil or located near the search coil. Signal duration when metal object about coil (short or long, double, etc.).

Third: the battery or batteries must not be below 80%. This greatly affects the quality and depth of the search. After you’ve worked on the range. Need to learn how to configure the device on the ground. And in the process of adjusting the appliance periodically search on the ground. Because it is constantly changing. After a good workout, you’ll understand your device with ease and you will have no false dug large pits.

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