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Choosing your first metal detector

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Choosing your first metal detector

Data on the choice of models of metal detectors are relevant at the time of this writing  , we followed all the available new in the market , and of course take into account the hidden depths of the potential of individual models in extra coils ( which is what the quote) . Of course there are mentioned only some of the best metal detectors in a different direction and at a reasonable starting price , were not mentioned many other metal detectors because of the lack of real competition in terms of features . What would make this article more informative is the choice of the metal in the form of an objective background information.

On a more constructive criticism that touches on different sides is all metal detectors entry-level and what influenced the choice of these particular models of metal detectors advise you to read the article : “Review of metal – a comparison of the best models in your price range. ”

Choosing your first metal detector

Most people who become infected gradually interest of our hobby comes to thinking about the purchase of their own , the first metal detector . And despite the fact that over the shoulders can have a long experience of collecting rare coins , vintage jewelry, war artefacts , antiquities , and so on – are unfortunately not able to help determine the choice of technology which will help you in the future by personally do these valuable findings that warm the heart. 

Not so long ago came the days when complex technical devices are available for every person . And if the cell phone market , home appliances, radios for cars and other things – the buyer most of their attention spent on the evaluation of quality and reliability , but here things are very different . Just want to assure that this unique product as a hobby metal detectors on the nature of his performance perhaps similar to the technique for the defense industry – which should not be in my thoughts and questions arise about the quality . 

Perhaps the fact that the industry is largely emerges as an offshoot of the leading companies in the production of arched metal detectors for screening and detectors for demining troops around the world – provides a reasonable manner in the certainty of such a product . Metal detectors of all types and price ranges are stable , productive work and the absence of any interference.

This is one of the main features – each manufacturer , each model – is a unique , high-tech professional device . Therefore, when selecting your first metal detector main variable will be your budget.

Usually the main models of metal detectors are concentrated in the lowest price segment – are devices that have been designed specifically for novice searchers , while maintaining the value and productivity. So do not think about that cheap – a device that is not able to search for anything . The main difference in this case – in the entry-level devices are no complex functions and software algorithms that are present on the more expensive models of professional detectors. These devices are difficult to use and the settings – so this will not be the best choice as the first .

    As it is necessary to pay attention to whether there are any preferences in the search :

Search in the old days – implies a coil with good separation because in most cases you will have to search on the site of the old village , and they are heavily littered with trash. Depth in such a situation can be sacrificed , discrimination and response speed will be much more useful . In this case, you should pay attention to such devices as : Garrett Ace 250 ( and other devices in this series – Ace Ace 150 and 350 ), Garrett AT Pro ( unit stands out not only a good performance , but also the tightness ), Minelab X-Terra 305 (one of the few models in which it is possible to change the operating frequency ), Teknetics Alpha 2000 (one of the best detectors to date as originally equipped with a powerful coil Double-D technology and superior to its counterparts in depth) .

Search by war. If you wish to seek military artifacts in the field of military glory of the Great Patriotic War – that in such cases it is necessary to think more about the detector, which will lead to the discovery of deep water – everything else is fairly mediocre. Here again, the choice could fall on Garrett Ace 250 as The instrument is its price and performance , but in addition to this it can be equipped with the most powerful search coil Nel Big ( 17-inch ) to significantly increase the depth. It is worth paying attention to the Garrett GTP 1350 and Garrett GTI 2500, at what the latter has a possibility to connect the deep attachment Treasure Hound Eagle Eye.

Search for jewelry – in most cases means that you have to look at the beaches – and so should be given to balancing function of soil , because the salty sea sand requires fine tuning of the metal detector . Also helps to adapt the operating frequency of the lowest or the corresponding coil. There are no secrets , best ” beachgoers ” Amateur instruments recognized Garrett Ace 250 – largely again due to the choice of additional coils , in this case, such as Nel Sharpshooter ( sniper) .

 As well shows itself in these circumstances, the novelty of last year – Metal Detector Garrett AT Pro – the main difference is the total leakage and the ability to dive into the water to a depth of 3 meters , besides the unit is equipped with modern Performance coil which gives it a huge advantage when looking at land , antiques , coins , etc. Usually accompanied by a beach search using integral tool called stingy – scoop for beach hunting .

Search for gold nuggets . If you want to search for gold nuggets that exist for this specialized devices operating at very high frequencies (above 60kHz ) . Unique coil which are equipped with such detectors can pick up the tiniest nuggets the size of a match head . Typically , most of these detectors are sensitive to so many that do not tolerate interference of electromagnetic interference proximity (cell phones , power lines, etc. ) so they are more suitable for fishing in remote areas of the Deaf , they include Minelab Eureka Gold. But more recently the market has Garrett AT Gold – which allows you to search and in all other directions , while he has no problem with the appearance of interference from external factors , and yet it is primarily focused on scanning gold nuggets.

Underwater search . There are also metal detectors to search for underwater treasure that will be submerged to a depth of 70 meters and keep it looking. These detectors are properly sealed and have all the necessary features to alert the water. The main representatives of this trend Garrett Infinium LS and Minelab Excalibut 2 .

Regardless of the presence of such preferences , most entry-level metal detectors are almost universal , and will try out various fields. When buying any metal you can do with it many valuable finds. There is a suggestion that the depth is almost unique and important indicator in the instrument – it is not. Depending on the situation, you may need a good separation purposes as for example on the site of the old village where potentially many hidden treasures mixed with garbage – and then a huge deep coil will just go blind from the abundant signals in contrast to the small sniper . 

Therefore it is not rare, even a beginner with an entry-level device already using multiple coils for that would , if necessary, promptly replace the coil directly to the field and to explore an interesting place. By this, I once again want to emphasize that the coil – the eyes of any device , and it features much more important than any magic button or function . 

So when choosing a metal detector (especially your first ) is not in a hurry overpay for Treasures detectors with a variety of different settings – in most cases much more rational to spend the difference in price between the more expensive and the cheapest metal detector just did purchase additional coil . This is perhaps the second in a row as well as on the importance of a step in the choice of his instrument – pay attention not only to the standard coil in the set, but also can be equipped with additional sensors corresponding detector . 

This particularly excelled among the leaders of metal detectors for beginners – Ace Series models from the firm Garrett (ace 150 , ace 250 , ace 350 ) which are not upomyanalos times higher range Coinmaster ( formerly Prizm) from the firm Whites, multi-frequency detectors entry-level X-series -Terra from the company Minelab, and primary metal detectors from companies such as Teknetics Alpha, Delta, Gamma, Omega – also stand out due to the fact that the manufacturer has made ​​sure that would equip their devices with technology worthy of coils Double-D. 

Anyway do not give off the metal detector in any one characteristic ( for example , many suffer the pursuit of depth ) – depth is more of a reality that we receive as going a combination of all the settings and functions of the detector  , plus our skill and experience to use them in that a situation to the limit.

Perhaps this is all you need to know for what would personally select the approximate direction in which you want to search for , as well as to know what the main points should be considered when choosing a metal detector . If you want to read a more detailed comparison and analysis of all the pros and cons of metal I advise you to read the article ” Overview of metal – a comparison of the best models in your price range. ”


Again, dear friends , I want to repeat and draw your attention to the fact that so many people coming for the first time to shop for your metal detector trying to compare their depth in the air. To this I will say one thing in the first place – different detectors differently balanced on the ground (or in other words on the environment under the coil ) so that the depth of the air can be the opposite of different depths in the soil (some metal detectors can not see at all in the air  copper targets. 

Secondly – even in the ground , digging a variety of purposes , it is impossible to recreate the experimental conditions, the situations in which you find the same coin , which lay to form oxides ( plowed fields do not count) – and, again, by balancing the different models will have different react under such conditions – the results of any test instruments that 90 percent of the real , and in some 80 percent. And three – do not forget that such a metal detector which he responded to a little deeper purpose in our tests than the other – in combat search (not staged ) due to their heavy sounds, settings , etc. etc. 

You may find the objectives at the same depth for the same purpose , but the operator does not regard it as an interesting signal. In other words, try to imagine that a metal detector everything works in harmony , and the majority of finds not to be the deepest in the world with a metal detector , and the fact that in general the most versatile satisfy the needs of a particular search engine.

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