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Cleaning and maintenance of antique silverware

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Cleaning and maintenance of antique silverware

Cleaning and maintenance of antique silverware

 Cleaning and maintenance of antique silverware – Silverware collection is one of the wonders of the ancient world. There is something unique . Unlike other collectible antiques , silverware are not only used for display and storage. Silverware – a valuable antiques, which you can use. Simple practicality of silverware is in addition to its elegant beauty. There is a connection between the current collector using various items in the past.

One of the best features of silver is the fact that the care and polishing can improve its appearance. Over time, silverware there is a touch that makes each set of special and uniquely beautiful.

Unfortunately , silver tarnishes quickly , and it may appear quite unattractive shades of brown or even purple color . If silverware stored in a room where the air is a large amount of salt , then this process can take place with an incredibly high speed. Proper care of silverware is important to permanently preserve its value and beauty.

Wash silverware after each use is obvious, but not enough to simply put it in soapy water . Each item is worth to wash separately with a high degree of caution . Such acidic foods , such as fruit juice or salad dressings , can cause the appearance of marks on silverware , so you should pay special attention when cleaning silverware from such products .

You need to wash every device in hot soapy water . Then you need to rinse the soap under hot water and dry completely before proceeding to the next unit. Do not leave to dry in air silverware or all together. If silverware will dry by itself, it will cause water divorces , which greatly complicate the process of polishing.

Certainly , all seen movies in which the butler wears white cotton gloves before polish silverware owners. These gloves are not an expression of affectation or attempt to protect the gentle hand polisher . These gloves are needed to protect the silver from the polisher . Bare hands can cause scratches on the nails, and the fat on the human skin can stain just polished silverware .

Despite the fact that there is a huge amount of polishing , almost all of them work the same. Most likely, the novice collector to experiment before he will find the way that he likes the most . There creams , pastes or liquids. Look what polishing tool , which indicates that it is suitable for long-term use , as it is best suited for silverware . Make sure you have enough of a polishing cloth, because you will need a clean cloth for each new device .

After polishing tool is applied , use a polishing cloth to remove detergent residue and give the final polish . Use a toothbrush or other small brush to clean any texture or convex surfaces on silver. Now you need to re- wash equipment in soapy water to remove any remaining traces of the polishing agent .

In order to extend the shelf life of silverware , each device must be wrapped in paper . If you leave the silver with other devices , it will increase the likelihood of silver sulfide , which is a major cause of dullness . Make sure that you use paper containing no acid , as it protects your best silver. If you put cutlery wrapped in a sealed plastic bag , adding quartz packaging , they will stay dry and shiny . Try to remove as much air from the package.

Obviously, the key point preserve the beauty of your silverware for a long time , is keeping it dry and as far away from salt and other surrounding objects . With proper care and cleaning , your investment and personal wealth will last you your entire life , and even much more.

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