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 GOLD PAN FEATURES IN GENERAL In the category gold discovery more articles and learn more information about GOLD PAN FEATURES IN GENERAL Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.


Gold Pan Info


There are a wide variety of gold pans available in our catalog and they all

have advantages and disadvantages that you should consider in choosing

a gold pan.


The size of the gold pan is important and there are several dimensions that

you should consider. In the above illustration the top diameter of the pan is

referenced as (A). This gives you an idea of the overall size of the pan and

they are available from 6 inches to 16 inches in width. A larger pan has the advantage of

holding more material and therefore allowing more production. A large pan full of material is

heavy and can be tiresome. A small pan is handy as a finishing pan to complete the final

separation of gold from black sand concentrates. A smaller pan is also easier to use when you

are not panning in a stream or lake where you have lots of water and room.

Dimension (B) represents the depth of the pan which is also a good indication of how much

material it will handle without overloading it.

Dimension (C) represents the size of a straight drop between the sloped edge of the pan and the

bottom. The size of this drop varies and some pans do not have this feature at all. This drop

creates an extra riffle at the bottom of the pan. Some experienced panners use this riffle as the

first and best chance to capture their gold. Dimension (D) represents the size of the bottom of

the pan. A large bottom relative to the overall size of the pan is handy when you get to the

point of separating the gold from the last black sand.


Gold pans can be made out of plastic, steel, or copper. The most common pans are made of

plastic which is light, can be made with deep riffles and do not rust. Steel pans are heavier,

usually have small riffles, if any, and are subject to rust. Many old timers prefer the smooth

sides of the steel pan. Copper pans are made specially for using with mercury or for presentation



Plastic pans are available in several colors. The most common color is black which makes gold

easily visible but tends to mask black sand. Blue and green pans are popular and make the gold

and black sand easily visible.


New plastic pans are coated with a mold release material in the manufacturing process that will

cause the pan to work ineffectively at first because the mold release compounds are lubricants

and will cause water to bead up. This will be eliminated after the pan is used for awhile. The

process can be speeded up by thoroughly cleaning the pan with a good degreasing detergent.

Sometimes steel wool helps. Be careful not to scratch the surface of the pan too much.

New steel pans usually are impregnated with oil from the spinning process used to

manufacture them. This oil can easily be removed by heating a new steel pan on your

stove top burner or with a propane torch until it is very hot. The heating will quickly

burn away any oil residue but will create a little smoke. If you want a nice blued

finish on the pan you can pick it up with a pair of pliers, while it is still hot, and drop

it into cold water. Be careful you don’t burn yourself. If you do not want to use the

heat process you can follow the same instructions provided above for plastic pans.


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