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how to detect gold underground Reviews
How to find extract and process gold, We talk a lot about gold-how to invest in physical gold or metal futures, gold mining companies, young companies, Chinese gold mining company. Perhaps most importantly, we talk a lot about supply and demand of gold.
But we rarely go into details. What is gold’s proposal? Namely, where this production? How does it work? How to extract metal from all this senseless jargon in annual reports of the leading mining companies?
We decided that we should pay closer attention to how, in the first place, our favorite metal occurs on the surface.
Gold is everywhere on the Earth, it usually does not reach significant concentrations. In the Earth’s crust contains approximately 0.004 grams of gold per ton, and even in salt water contains a lot of gold, but the concentration of tiny quantities of just economically unprofitable. To earn or at least have decent chances at it, will have to look elsewhere.
While gold can be detected in your local Brook (especially if you are living in California or Nevada), these gold mines are places where eventually happens natural accumulation of valuable minerals is not something that is usually looking for commercial mining companies. It is not enough reliable source of permanent gold to justify large investments.
Instead they explore the land in search of relatively high concentrations of gold that can be mined and refiner in pure metal.
Gold find as close to the Earth’s surface and underground as an impurity to other metals, such as copper, silver and lead. Depending on where gold will depend the type of extraction used to extract it, and the costs associated with it.
It all starts with geologists. Studying type and the formation of rocks in the region and collecting samples, geologists indicate the direction of the extracting companies. To determine what exactly is contained in some place, collected numerous specimens of ore called “core samples, selected the diamond Crown” (as it is assumed from the name) drill bits with tips from industrial diamonds to create cutting surface.
These core samples comprise 3.5 cm in diameter and can be the length of a football field. With their careful study of geologists can specify exactly where the engineers is required ore and how it relates to other metals and rocks. Then engineers produce calculations, how to reach it.
Two critical indicator derived from core samples, is the saturation of the ore and the size of the deposit. Here’s where the terms “confirmed and probable reserves” or “reliable and possible reserves, when we study the annual reports.
Probable reserves is a territory on which there is definitely gold but where production may or may not be economically or technically feasible. Proven reserves is simply this: geologists can see gold in the core samples, and engineers are confident that they will be able to get it. Reliable and possible reserves are terms not recognized by the Securities and Exchange Commission United States, but required by the Canadian Government.
If you look at the annual report of a company like Barrick, reliable performance and feasible “, as confirmed and probable” meet the requirements of the laws of the countries where the company and its shares are traded. In any case, the figures give the best true predictions companies on the total amount of gold that you can get at this site during the life of the mine. This is not a guarantee that the gold would be extracted, or that it can be extracted, but these numbers could yield some opportunities.
The higher the quality of the ore, the more gold it contains, and so more would be its prey. As in most activities cost-effectiveness rate “is important, and in gold that means regulation of managing your site.
Process mining is used where the gold lies close to the surface, and the plot makes open prey economically and environmentally feasible. And it looks exactly as it sounds-a giant hole in the ground with roads leading around and up to the top of the mine to ensure delivery of the equipment and the removal of ore from the mine.
Recess rocks is made with the help of explosives and heavy machine-that requires considerable expenses. (Only for diesel fuel can account for 25% of development costs).
Each ton of ore extracted from a good open mine may contain about one-tenth of an ounce of gold. When the price of gold, say, $ 900 per ounce, per ton of ore worth, at best, $ 90. Given that huge trucks, used on some mines, can accommodate up to 300 tons or more per trip, truck ore from mines, can cost around $27,750. Of course, in reality, everything is different: some are richer, and many others are literally empty.
When the open mining doesn’t make sense, because the gold lies very deep underground, or it is impossible for other reasons, underground mining is used.
Dig a mine with an extensive network of tunnels that lead to deposits. Production process occurs immediately, although technically it is complicated and requires a lot of physical work-you have to drill holes for explosives, set these explosives and then pull out the resulting blast debris. Work times jack hammers, shovels and trucks were replaced by explosives, cars and trucks or rail transport-though I’m sure that without shovels there is complete.
Costs related to underground mining, include not only the same that is used in the production of open type (diesel fuel, explosives and labor), but also electricity. Without electricity underground no air there is no transportation workers, equipment or ore in a mine or out of it. To resolve this problem, some companies (such as Barrick) install solar or wind power plants near coal mines to ensure uninterrupted supply of this important resource, while the diesel generators are typically used where there is no access to electricity. Remember: many mines are located in remote areas, where uninterrupted energy-distant dream.
Once the ore extracted from the Earth, out of it will have to dig for gold. Treatment is to reduce the large pieces of the ore up to the size of grains of sand. At this point add cyanide solution and everything ground to a dirty and watery mixture.
Why cyanide
A weak cyanide solution in combination with air selects gold, freeing it from the rocks and metals in the ore. Once the cyanide releases the maximum amount of gold in the solution, the liquid is pumped out, while the remaining particles are moved in the mixing tank, where the remaining cyanide continues to release the rest of the gold into the water through air ducts. The heavier particles settle to the bottom, and the saturated solution combine with liquid zinc to highlight the gold from the mixture.
This process is called leaching, quite profitable-it allows you to allocate 95-98% of the gold from the ore. It can be advantageous to apply for lower grade ores (of course, depending on the price of gold).
If you want a cheaper production, applying heap leaching. Ore dumped on smooth, specially prepared and processed a weak solution of cyanide. When the solution passes through the ore, gold is separated and settles to the bottom. Solution gathers Gold stands out and cleaned. The drawback of this leaching is that this is a long process, while allowing only 65-85% of gold present in the ore.
Cleaning is performed in the melting furnace, where gold and chemical cocktail called flux-magnesium dioxide, fluoride, silicate, sodium nitrate and borax-connect and heated to 1600 degrees Celsius. This process separates gold from impurities (slag), so it can be poured into molds for bars. Purity obtained ingots is 80%. Further melting of 99.9% gold until clears samples-the gold standard.
After all the treatments and the allocation of gold from many companies waste tailings: ground stone and side cleaning products that contain a lot of mean things like mercury and cyanide. The company store these tails on the surface trays or use them as filling the cavities developed wherever possible.
Speaking about explosives, corrosive chemicals and huge equipment, who will be surprised that gold mining companies in their annual reports, many write about the safety, environmental protection and oil prices?
Of course, shareholders are only interested in the total amount of costs: costs of extracting gold from the land and prepare it for sale.
It depends on the company, on its way to production and operational efficiency. For example, in 2008 year gold production costs for Barrick averaged $ 443 per ounce.
The company may not actually have a significant impact on the price of gold, but they can include their costs. So energy conservation, fixing a low-cost fuel, reducing labour costs, maintaining security and openness of mines, monitoring the emission of debris to avoid fines or court costs-all of which are necessary elements of reference for gold prospecting.
Now that you know a little bit more where these costs, you will be able to better understand the company’s annual report. Or, at least, you know how it turns out line “total cash costs per ounce” in the accounting department, which defines as the price of gold itself, what profit bring company.
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