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How to detect a water leak in his house and how to fix it?

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How to detect a water leak in his house and how to fix it?

How to detect a water leak in his house and how to fix it?

One day you realize that there is water in the sub floor or elsewhere in the House and you suspect a leak. In this case there you should be fast enough before bringing the plumber who will help out you. Detect only a water leak in his house is not if complicate. We must be logical and think. You can inform the convenience store who will win time to decide the intervention it will. This will make you save time and money.

Stages of realization


1 At the start there are two possibilities:


-The leak is inside the House

-The leak is outside the home


For the first scenario, you will have water in the House, in one of the rooms where is the leak and you will certainly see dripping or “piss” a pipeline.


In the latter case, you’ll have water on the ground, in the basement, in a room but won’t know where it comes from visually.

2. In the first place, you need to shut off to your count of water, that is to say outside, at the level of the water supply installed by your water supplier operator.


In the House close faucets or better, close shutoff valve in the water supply in the House.

If the external meter is still running, you have a leak in the pipe buried outside the home. It’ll make the leaks and make any repairs. There need you a plumber.

3. If water enters the House, room or bathroom, you water not far from an existing valve. Suffice it to prospect in the vicinity and inspect the pipes. For a bath, for example, remove the inspection door, there are often surprises behind.

Repair in this case will be to redo some of the offending line yourself or do it by a specialist.


Tips and warnings

Plus you will get information to give to the plumber who will speak and less time he spent to troubleshoot where a gain of money.

Once you know that the leak is there, raise your meter and compare with your last statement. There may be a big gap so an expense. If it is really huge and especially in the case of a leak of a buried pipeline, you can ask your water supplier does not have to pay the fee of sanitation since the water has not been used so not dirty.
