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How to reduce failure when searching in winter

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How to reduce failure when searching in winter

How to reduce failure when searching in winter

Working with a metal detector in winter is not an easy task. To achieve a good result when researching this period, one enthusiasm is not enough, you need to master the technique of conducting a winter search while complying with some of the rules and picking up the appropriate equipment.

Despite the fact that the recent winter seasons have been relatively warm, still work with the metal detector in this period is not an easy task. Even with small frost, the Earth freezes and pits finds it difficult, not to mention external weather conditions that do not add comfort during the search. However, this does not stop the desperate treasure hunters who are willing to go camping in any weather. But to achieve a good result of one enthusiasm is not enough, you need to master the technique of conducting a winter search while complying with some of the rules and picking up the right equipment.

Winter search rules or search with a metal detector in winter.

The first rule is the rational selection of the search site, which involves less effort to scan the site and find a dig. It is necessary to select those places where the snow cover is thinner, and there has been an experiment to uncover the targets at a small depth to 20 cm because it is impossible to remove anything deeper than the frozen land. A good choice will be the construction sites, which have stopped in winter, but the playback is also suitable, and construction equipment is well. In addition, difficulties can arise if the earth is an ice crust, which is hard to overcome more than snow, and it is worthwhile to choose the areas that are friable in vegetation or where the dirt is visible.

The following rule relates to reagents, as it depends directly on the success of the event. In addition to moisture protection and freezing, the device must be properly tuned. For frozen land is the best to determine a low level of sensitivity, so it is best not to be disappointed, to conduct deep searches, and to get it to recover. The user is full of power and power, then you can use the full capabilities to detect buried objects.

How to reduce failure when searching in winter

One more effective way to get a result of the frozen land is to take with you! This is not a joke, but rather practical advice, which means moving to the cozy place of land that cannot be broken in the field. That is, if the metal detector found a target, but to break the block of ground failed, then you don’t need to exaggerate yourself, when you return, you need to wait for the earth to melt naturally and quietly extract what it finds without harm. It is possible to use hot water to speed up the melting of the ice, but in this case there is a risk to damage the effects, especially if it is large enough.

There are such cases when a metal detector is quite reliably pointing to something valuable underground, but it is impossible to get it due to weather conditions. In such cases, it is necessary to register and mark these areas so that they can later return to this place and dig the desired target. Any ways to fix it finds: GPS-coordinates, terrain map, notes in Notepad with a detailed description of the site, you can also leave a tag that will serve as a guideline for return. Spring is already very close and the new season with the chart is already finding it will be more successful.

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