How to Scrap old Cell Phones for *Gold Recovery In the category gold discovery more articles and learn more information about How to Scrap old Cell Phones for *Gold Recovery Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.
showing how and what to scrap in old cell phones and prepare them for gold and other precious metals recovery
Also see the USGS pdf report “Recycled Cell Phones—A Treasure Trove of Valuable Metals” (2006):
Valuable Metals
But do not forget to adjust the prices to gold’s current value.
The report suggests an avarage gold content of 0.034g per cell phone:
At 2005 – 0.034g was worth 0.4$
At todays prices (1700$ an ounce) – 0.034 is worth 1.85$
Will scrapping cell phones make you rich? probably not.
But it will make you some extra cash.
I have made this short list for US citizens who wants to sell scrap electronics.
Gold Chip Buyer
I have hand picked these scrap buyer as i know they are very honest and stright forward.
I did not receive any incentive nor will i receive any future commision from these scrap buyers. I’m happy to put their links here as i believe they are trustworthy and will treat you fairly
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