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Metal detectors and discover the treasures of important lessons
This set of videos that show how metal detectors, and also ways to find gold with metal detector or without it, making the metal detector, and the best ways to find gold with treasure hunters.
how to find gold with a metal detector and without a metal detector
This how-to video is about gold. Yes, gold! Watch to see how to find gold with a metal detector and without a metal detector in the desert by a dry river bed. See what metal detector to use and how to use them, and how to not use one at all, for prospecting gold in the sandy, dried up, water beds.
how to find gold with metal detectors
This how-to video is about gold. Yes, gold! Watch to see how to find gold with metal detectors. You can find gold in the ocean water, on the side of the beach, in the sand, the ground, the iron ore fields, or wherever. See what metal detectors to use and how to use them for prospecting gold.
how to use your Gold Bug metal detector?
Do you not know how to use your Gold Bug metal detector? Well, see how to make adjustments for ground detection in this video tutorial. You’ll cover ground reject, volume, retune, ground balance, and much more. So, find your next treasure with a little metal detector know-how.
how to use a metal detector to look for treasure
Treasure may be buried as close as your own backyard. If you have some time to kill, try the art of treasure hunting. You’ll be sure to discover lots of interesting thing after learning how to use a metal detector to look for treasure.
Think buried treasure is only for pirates and archaeologists? Think again.
You Will Need
* A metal detector
* Metal objects
* A computer with internet access
* A coin probe
* A spade
* A backpack
* Trash bags
* Patience
* An electronic coin probe (optional)
Step 1: Practice using the detector
Get acquainted with the device by burying metal objects and running the detector over them. If you have a more sophisticated metal detector, take note of the different sounds it makes depending on the object it’s detecting.
Step 2: Search the best locations
Search online or at the library for locations like popular recreation sites and areas where historical events occurred to up your chances of uncovering something great.
If you’re searching private property, get the owner’s permission. Contact local authorities before searching national parks or monuments.
Step 3: Start detecting
Start in one corner of the area you’re searching. Hold the detector in front of you and walk slowly and deliberately in a straight line to the other end of the area, keeping the detector’s coils at a consistent distance from the ground and parallel to it. Make a methodical back and forth sweep of the area, like mowing a lawn.
Step 4: Pinpoint your treasure
When you pick up a signal, run the detector over a 2 square foot area around where the signal occurred. Listen for where the signal is loudest and gently drive a probe into the ground until you feel the object.
Use an electronic probe to save time and effort.
Step 5: Excavate your find
Dig up your find with a spade, being careful not to damage it during excavation.
how to use a metal detector to look for gold
This video will show you how to use a metal detector to look for gold. There are gold nuggets in rivers and hillsides all over the United States, waiting for you to find them. With the proper equipment and a little know how, you can strike gold!
how to make a metal detector from a calculator
Like looking for lost treasure? There’s no need to break the bank for a high-end metal detector — just dig through your junk drawer! In this video tutorial, KipKay shows you how to make a metal detector from a calculator, an AM or FM radio, a standard CD case, and some velcro. That’s it. Your very own metal detector.
Metal detector to search for gold
what device good will look for gold. Talk about finding gold jewelry, gold nuggets, coins and other products that has .
white’s sierra madre metal detector
white's sierra madre metal detector Whites Industrial UL-3 Sierra Madre metal detector in Consumer Electronics, Gadgets & Other Electronics, White's .
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According to archaeologists and scholars, we investigated only less 5 percent underwater worlds. This means that at the bottom of .
long range rangefinder
Long range finder 42. frequency may vary search gold , copper, silver and iron. Sensitivity average range of 1000 meters .
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