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metal detectors from Bounty Hunter Tracker series

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metal detectors from Bounty Hunter Tracker series

metal detectors from Bounty Hunter Tracker series

Recommendations on the use of metal detectors from Bounty Hunter Tracker series

 “Metal detecting” literally-“metal detecting” then just “search”; Ed.) is one of the most interesting, and perhaps one of the most profitable hobby in which you’ll ever involved. The hobby itself consists of many different sections of the General term “Treasure Hunting” (literally “treasure hunt”, then simply “treasure hunting”; ed.). With this book, we explore all of these main topics that will enhance your capabilities and potential of your metal detector series Tracker.

metal detectors from Bounty Hunter Tracker series

Many applications are waiting for you and your metal detector searches: relics (the “relic hunting”), coins (coin-shooting “), hoards (” cache hunting “), jewelry (jewelry” hunting “), searching for gold nuggets (” gold prospecting “) and even a practical application for home . The methods provided in this book will increase your ability to learn-challenge usually face when buying a metal detector. Not only will you quickly learn how to use your detector is more efficient, but you will also learn the many possible uses of your Tracker.


In combination with your leadership to the detector, this book will give you a solid knowledge in the application of and effective work with your metal detector.

 I use a metal detector since the early 1970 ‘s, and found that the hobby had always been intriguing: a picnic within the city or during expeditions in the mountains, I have always found many treasures along with historically interesting objects. One of my main reasons this hobby passion-love for history. Many other people would have their own reasons for immersion in the hobby of treasure hunting. Will be your own motivation to practice this hobby once you visit “the battlefield” with your Tracker  enough time. There is nothing more exciting than to dig up coins or jewelry from under the ground!


So, grab your detector and prepare yourself for a journey that will attract your interest for many years to come!



 Congratulations on your purchase of the Tracker series metal detector! With this book you will find that your new detector can be used in a variety of situations. We will start with a general description of each series detector Tracker.


Tracker II has the following controls On/Off Sensitivity (sensitivity: “on-off”) and Discrimination (discrimination) plus one additional is for manual of ground balance tweak (“ground balancing”). Tracker IV also have these two management tools along with a switch that regulates the three operating modes: “Tone Discrimination” (tonal discrimination), “All Metals” (all metal) and “Discrimination” a Full (complete discrimination). All metal detectors Bounty Hunter Tracker are simple to work with. Even though mastering the skill of the target by any of these devices, can take more than a hundred hours of practical application in the “field”. The more you learn, the more lucrative and competitive becomes your every use of the metal detector.


Our first task is to understand how your Tracker reacts to different metals, you should watch and listen for your device. Tracker metal detector-one of the easiest to learn. There are two controls the Tracker IV, which allow you to customize his sensitivity and discrimination level and the third is the Tracker II, which allows you to manually adjust the ground Balancing. With just these few management tools, you will be able to manage your device by many different means, in relation to specific tasks.


Let us get to know your device with test, known as the “air test” (test on air), which duly will check your Tracker and all its functions. You make some conclusions, thus testing the appliance in a closed room. To test the air requires that you decided your detector, once it is built, to the edge of a wooden table or non-metallic coil from the ceiling. It is also necessary that the wire from the coil, amongst a little slack to reel was able to rotate at different angles to the handle. Preferably have the same field and sagging climate for easier manipulation of the coil when the detector at different angles.

Make sure there are no metal objects nearby, otherwise the test will not be conducted properly. What you need to prepare for this test? Locate the “nickel” (American Title 5-cent coins of copper-nickel alloy, suitable for 10/15/20/15/20 kopeks period 1961-91; ed.), “dime” (American Title 10-cent coins are made of copper, copper-nickel alloy coated; suit 10/15/20/15/20 kopecks period 1931-57. ed.), a copper penny (any copper coin; ed.), the Reed from beer cans, nail, a small piece of iron, gold ring, and you will be fully prepared for the most important preliminary test beforeas you take your detector in the field.


When the unit is switched on, you will hear a beep that indicates that the batteries are inserted in the detector, and all systems-work. If your batteries are fully discharged or no battery, if the unit is switched on, you will not hear any sound. I highly recommend using only alkaline batteries (alkaline) batteries. Not only will you receive more hours of work of the detector, but the device will operate with maximum impact.

After switching on the appliance, set the control knob to the position sensitivity 05:00 hours or a little more than three quarters of a turn. This ensures that you don’t get any false signals or noise. False alarms can occur when your device in maximum sensitivity; This can confuse those who only started practicing this hobby. You will lose the small depth of the detector with the sensitivity set in three quarters of turnover; your task is to first examine how to “detect” a weaker but more stable setting of sensitivity. You can always use the detector’s ability to detect the deeper targets at higher sensitivity settings installation after the acquisition of more experience.

 Now we have a detector on the table with the sensitivity set in three quarters of a turn. What’s next?

Make sure that discrimination is completely turned off (control knob turned to end discrimination in anti-clockwise direction). All detectors series Tracker only work in dynamic mode. With a fully disabled discrimination, your detector now in All Metals mode (“all metals”). (Owners of the Tracker IV: make sure your three-position switch is located in a central position in All Metals mode.)

When your metal detector is in a dynamic mode “all metals”, when a metal detector coil, your goal should always be on the move over the surface of the Earth; in this mode of operation you will detect all metals, over which passes the coil, including: iron, aluminum, silver, gold, brass, copper, etc., you will hear only the same key instead of the two tones that you usually hear when turned on discrimination.

And now-the first test. Take a “nickel” and prone site it out slowly, about three inches (7.5 cm) above the coil. Coin must fully move over the coil before the detector will emit a sound signal. Note that the dynamics of the appliance you will hear a high pitched sound. Now take the “dime” and prone site it over the coil in the same way. You will hear the same tone that turned out when using the “nickel”. Try each piece of metal that you have, and the detector will emit a sound. As you know, discrimination is completely switched off, meaning that you will detect any metal and get the same audio signal from all of them. This setting is primarily used when searching for relics, large caches, , plumbing parts. I will explain this in more detail in the following chapters.


For the second  will require that you turned the knob of discrimination at three quarter turn clockwise. (The Tracker III or IV, to include “tonal discrimination” require that three-position switch was placed in the right position.) Now we will repeat our handling of samples and reel device, to see what kind of sound will emit a tone speaker metal detector. When the “nickel” above the coil, the detector will emit a low tone, and your “dime” and copper cents will cause a high tone. You will also receive the same low tone from the pull tab beer cans and the gold ring. You probably think: “Oh, God! How good a detector which can not distinguish the golden ring from the aluminum tabs! “. Let us not judge too quickly. You can customize your detector so that if you want to do away with all tabs from cans, you do away with them! If you do not wish to dig under the goal, giving off low tones, you will pick up all of the silver and copper coins, bronze and brass items, silver rings. But all the reeds and gold rings and “nickel” to remain lying in the ground.

Most often the subject of coming across when searching is a malicious tongue of beer cans! (it had, in the States, and we have no doubt that the subject is a vodka bottle stopper; ed.). Your Tracker has the ability to give you different tones to most gold rings and all “Nickels” for beer, and reeds to distinguish first from second. To get rid of the reeds, while still discovering gold rings and “nickel”, simply turn the knob to position discrimination 12:00 hours or half turn, instead of three-quarters. As soon as you take your beer tab above the coil, you’ll notice that now you get “broken” (broken tone) or “double” (double-tone) tones. If not, adjust handle discrimination (by small it is rotating in different directions), so that the beer tab called “jogged” tone when it passes over the coil detector. Now take your “nickel” and make sure you still get steady beeping low-keyed. You should also be able to get the same tone with your golden ring. Please keep in mind that approximately 15-20% of gold rings that you will encounter will still produce the same tone as the aluminum pull tab from the banks. With this Setup, you can eliminate 90% of you found beer reeds, still being able to detect the majority of gold rings, all “Nickels” are all silver coins and all the copper coins.

(The owners of Tracker III or IV: Tracker III or IV shall also have the option to completely eliminate tone reeds for beer by placing three-position switch to the left position in this position, the Tracker III or IV will screen out all but the silver, copper, brass, bronze, etc.)


As you can see, we can get three beeps of different tones to identify by ear the different types of metals. Listening is the most important when working with Tracker  to determine what kind of metal you found. Your switch indicator (“Meter System”) will give you a visual indication of whether you discovered metal or not, as well as help you in determining the exact position of metal object (“pinpointing”). Whenever the indicator arrow is moved to the right of 0 to 10, the detector lets you know that the coil passes over a metal target. The number is not a symbol of anything, especially in type. Again, you can use the indicator to aid in accurate detection of targets or the Visual confirmation that the coil was held over the metal object. Note: with the help of a needle indicator, you will not be able to determine what kind of metal you found or how deeply the subject is beneath the surface.

Now you have made your first steps in learning to use your metal detector. We’ve learned how to test the device, learned what sounds can be expected when encountering different types of metals, and as indicated by the indicator can be used for accurate target acquisition. It covers the basic operation and features Tracker metal detector. So, now is the time to take it to the field tests.

Now this is a bit of fun! Let’s take our detector and a small trowel to fresh air and find a few coins. If you have your own yard, we’ll start there. If you don’t have it, we will practice in the nearest Park.

First, we will work with the device with sensitivity, exhibited by three quarters of a turn. Discrimination should also be put up on three quarters of turnover of the adjust handle. We won’t dig up any beer tabs, if we’ll just react to high tones, which we’ll hear. (Owners of the Tracker IV: place your three-position switch in the right position, together with the above-mentioned installation options).

Slowly drive the coil unit in an arc from left to right and vice versa. Make another step and repeat the movement. We’re not going to dig up the goal, until we hear the high tone. Oh, have you heard this? Great, let’s go  and see what we have! Whether this is your first coin? Don’t be disappointed if it’s not a coin. You’ll find all sorts of weird pieces of metal instead of coins if you dig out the high tone, a type of brass, copper pipe, pipeline parts, etc. you can find a beer to the Bank, it is usually due to oxidation when metal was underground for many years. This creates a “halo effect” and not allowing any detector bypass it. Usually after you otroete something like that, you can put it on top of the Earth and the detector will no longer issue a positive tone. This is the best way to tell if a piece of metal . However, there are rusty iron objects and banks that even being extracted at the surface will still emit a high-pitched tone.


Let’s continue moving coil and learn how to detect the exact position of the center of the object. As you cover the coil trajectory in a semicircle, you will notice that sometimes you get tone that seems to be disappearing. It’s usually best to ignore. If you can’t reach the signal repetition after several  coils on the same site is most probably rubbish. If you have received a second signal, it’s time to learn how to make your object. Take your detector and how to draw the letter “X”, move the coil over the place of finding of likely targets. This will help you determine the exact location for digging up an object without having to dig too much. Take your shovel and draw a small circle around the spot where, do you think that is desired is a godsend.

Now dig and see whether you have learned to identify your finds. When you dig, carefully fold the ground away from the hole. Periodically check the hole to see whether there is still a signal and that the object is still in the Center and not to the right or left of the hole. If you lost the signal directly above the hole, check out a bunch of  soil, you may have already dug. With practice, you should be able to isolate the object within 4-5 inch circle (10-12 cm). When the company trimmed the lawn, this minimizes the inevitable damage caused by your efforts to detect valuable finds.

At this point, you have come a long way with your Tracker . After searching on your yard or local park, you more than likely have become richer by a few coins. There are many other uses for your detector; one of the most historically interesting called “relic hunting” (relics).


What is an heirloom? Something that has gone through a great period of time-restricted definition. Heirloom can be anything of historical significance, personal values, cultural values-in fact, anything that reflects a different time. It is true that there is a certain price, for which you can buy relic. Relics are made not today; they are only copied. As a relic, it is impossible to determine, we can only make guesses on what we look for in a detector.

When running your search mode Tracker relics, set sensitivity as high as possible without getting false signals. Turn the knob completely counter-clockwise discrimination-discrimination is turned off. (Owners of the Tracker IV: make sure that the three-position switch in central position). This means that you are working in the mode “all metals”. The reason we use this mode is that most of the relics are made of iron, and your detector will tend to screen out all of the iron objects in discrimination.

Where to look for relics? Remember, the relics can be anywhere and the place cannot be determined precisely. To search for a private territory, always get permission first. Never look for in State or federal Park. The area-usually limited to search, extraction of minerals, fossils, and other Places to search for relics may be old abandoned homes, ploughing fields, distant woodlands, mountains, abandoned the city, and if your House is fairly old, in your own back yard. Strongly advise always get permission when you search within private property.

Depending on the area where you hunt, you may decide to use the Tracker II discrimination mode “all metals” instead. This would be true if you’re looking for in the area, where there is a lot of trash metal. For example, old abandoned homes can have too much beer reeds to use your plugin in the mode “all metals”. By turning the handle discrimination in provision 12:00 hours, as described earlier, you will can eliminate most of them and separate the more valuable objects. Remember that you will also screen out most iron objects, which can be very easily relics.

When searching in more remote areas like junk metal plowed fields, minimal, allowing you to use your metal detector in the mode “all metals”. This will increase the possibility of detection of iron objects of historical significance. If you ever find anything that you feel is of historic value, contact your local Museum and let them know the exact location and depth of the subject which you have found. This will expand the knowledge of scientists and might even add another page to the book of history.

If you find yourself searching for relics, explore your local library about local historical events that have taken place in your area. You can benefit from this, which will lead to new areas to search for relics and at the same time, to gain more knowledge about your local history. This knowledge will enhance your perspective to the detection finds and give new directions to search for relics in nearby areas, from the place where you live.

Search of relics is one of the ways to enrich their historical knowledge. There is no label showing the prices that can be hanged on the unearthed relics. Although there are application for your Tracker, which can have a high cost, like the search for buried treasures.

Bounty Hunter Tracker IV Metal Detector — Review


What is the treasure? Treasure can be many things. Hidden value type: savings bank life of coffee with silver coins, paper money, a bag of jewels are just a few examples that can be classified as treasure. Not usually find treasure in parks or lawns, golf courses and about old houses, camping sites, caves, in remote rural areas, etc.

To install your metal detector in search for treasures, it is required that you have disabled discrimination. The sensitivity should be included in the maximum to increase the depth of the search. (Owners of the Tracker IV: place the three-position switch in central position). Remember, if you receive false alarms, sensitive to slightly reduce. The model Tracker II, false alarms can occur in the mode “all metals” because of not properly balanced of ground balance tweak. See special chapter in this book is for users of the Tracker II.

Now that we have our transmitter in mode “all metals”, we are ready to move closer to finding the treasure. There are many reasons why we set the mode “all metals” to search for treasures:

I usually Hoard is buried to a depth of one to four feet (0.3-1.2 m). Tracker will lose sensitivity once the discrimination mode.

II. the treasure can be tucked away in the aluminum or Tin, iron box, a steel shipping container similar to the safe-all these metals are eliminated as soon as you turn the discrimination mode, even if the same metal container contains silver. If any of this type of metal that normally would be caught between the coil of your detector and the precious metal that you are trying to locate the detector will beep, if you’re not in the mode “all metals”.

III. you will need to enter through the whole surface debris, since the mode “all metals” you’ll dig it. Surface debris would be an obstacle for you in the mode of discrimination, because you will not get a signal in this very spot, even though under the layer of debris is flask of old silver dollars. Of course, this requires that you have dug up surface debris and checked out this place. In such a case, the treasure could be escaped by the superficial metal debris.

Let us examine our approach to finding the treasure, creating the most likely sequence for detection of concealed hiding place; Let’s say this will be an old abandoned house. Why choose home? This derives from a different perspective: in search of the treasures of the study. Most of your efforts to find treasures, will require a combination of intelligence and research. If you consider the fact that during the nineteenth century, there were not many banks, it becomes clear that the chosen place to deposit their savings, was quite limited. In fact, at the time, was another factor is that banks were not quite a safe place to store their wealth; so a lot of people didn’t believe in banks. So, they had to keep their hard-earned money and value in a location that they would have felt safe. Now, we have to be in their shoes. Where and how would we put away our values? What about the third pillar fencing from the gate? Or what about the founding of the oak tree in the back yard? Or even below the bedroom window, which will allow watching them during the evening? I think you now understand what is what.


Search for coins-a real art. May require many years of practice to achieve mastery in this area. Requires proper configuration of your metal detector and, naturally, persistence and perseverance. Search for coins-the most popular use of metal detectors to date.

Why is the discovery of coins is the most popular pastime with detector? If the coin is old enough, it usually costs much more than the effort required to dig it. There are many other reasons for the coin, in addition to the discovery of pieces of metal that are allowed by the Government as money. On money determine the age at which they were minted. Coin collecting as a hobby, is enjoyable in itself. Leaving in place a search with metal detector to find the collectible coin is more interesting and less expensive than buying coins for your collection in the stores.

In order to set your Tracker to find only some coins, we will configure the sensitivity is so high, as much as possible without having to get false signals and turn knob discrimination by three quarters of a turn. Soo just tweeter, it outset all metals except for silver, copper and brass.

You’ll be amazed at all the amount of coins that you will find with this setup parameters. The only problem with this Setup is that we also we discard nickel. If you want to dig under a “nickel” without having to dig many Brewers reeds, set the parameters of your device as described in chapter “REJECTION (WEEDING) REEDS BEER CANS”. This will give you a ton of broken reeds and solid beer low-keyed signal from “nickel”. Even after this adjustment, you’ll still pick up a few reeds, which will produce low tone, especially reeds, broken or badly crumpled in half (the same applies to our vodka Stoppers; ed.).

Speaking of finding coins, I remembered the local history, attended by the Tracker. Tracker metal detector one buyer has tested it on the same day of purchase. He wanted to give the first “run-in” detector in their own back yard. Oddly enough, he just moved into that House after its construction. Because of this, his back yard was covered in mud and had not even been gentrified. Remember, this is a new residential area, where you would expect to find something old or valuable. Shortly after switching on the unit, he heard the sound and decided that it would be a good idea to dig out the found object, to see how well it works. When he opened the little tin box, which he dug up, he discovered that there are 5 gold-coin  and “dime” of the 1800 ‘s. “Dime”, as it turned out, was extremely rare; He sold it for $ 13000. 5 gold-coin  went for $ 6000. Not bad for his first experience with Tracker metal detector.

Coin search-obviously profitable activity. However, there is another use for Tracker, which is also extremely profitable search-jewelry.


Now it is without a doubt a worthwhile use of your good efforts, Tracker. At one time, I found a lot of rings, and gold and silver, and feel that with practice you will also be able to find them.

Jewel-like coins, and they can be lost as coins, where there is dirt or grass, and people tend to relax. In order to concentrate on finding the treasure, only requires that you have configured your detector at 95% rejection of the reeds from beer cans that you will encounter, which set the pattern of discrimination in the provision regulating 12:00 hours … This means that finds all silver rings and gold rings 85%, assuming that you’re digging up objects emitting high and low tones, and ignoring the broken sound signals.

The main problem in finding gold rings is that you will dig up many crumpled beer reeds, “Nickels”, etc. before you find your first gold ring. Only the low tone, published by Tracker  will mean that you may have encountered a gold ring, but the chances of this is extremely low, because of the thousands of beer of the reeds that are in your way and that may also issue a low tone. Silver Rings publishes a high tone, like copper and silver coins-find them more easily.

Gold chains, gold rings, can also create problems when it detects. Of all valuables, chain-the most difficult to detect. Small chains are almost impossible to find at any depth, unless they are a handful. Only this allows them to detect your detector.

Until then we have covered a lot of uses for your detector. Most of these applications can be studied during the whole life span. For sure, all of them make their own Tracker settings. Now let’s move on to one of the most persecuted forms of “treasure hunt” .

Metal detectors caused yet another “gold rush” in the last two decades. Old gold mines that have been closed, were reopened, again in connection with the use of metal detectors as the primary instrument to search for gold. Today, metal detectors are used in every aspect of detection of maternal vein to find the smallest gold nuggets.

Your Tracker has been designed in such a way as to have the ability to eliminate signals from highly mineralized soils usually encountered in exploration. It will even penetrate through the “black sand”, a high content of iron ore in the ground, and still discovering gold nuggets.

To use your Tracker for detecting gold nuggets, require that you have disabled discrimination. (The owners of Tracker III or IV: place the three-position switch in central position). Since  is produced in remote areas where there is very little content of metal trash, finding gold nuggets becomes quite easy. Usually, if you get a repeating signal, this means that the detector coil is something worthwhile.

The main objective for the discovery of gold on your Tracker  is define the place of the search. This is the most critical factor in determining whether you will find gold-or not.

The most important approach , especially if you’re a newbie, study information. It is a good idea to spend some time to understand how gold is produced and where it is most likely to find.

Tracker metal detector comes with waterproof coil, considering a variety of search forms gold nuggets. A lot of nuggets and flakes of gold are found in the rivers of rapid streams. These nuggets and flakes, usually arising from the outcrops of rocks, washed out by rain, and eventually carried away threads. When the metal detector  is very hard to find flakes of gold due to their small size. Gold nuggets can also be found in dry river beds, on the slopes of the mountains, and even in the desert. How many nuggets you’ll find will depend on how seriously you take to acquire the necessary knowledge to do this hobby profitable. 

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