Sometimes colored jewelry gold In the category gold discovery more articles and learn more information about Sometimes colored jewelry gold Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.
Alloys of gold and silver - amalgam
The question is what color is the jeweler’s gold, most of us would answer: white or yellow. Few remember the red, pink and green-gold jewelry. And absolutely incredible is the discovery that there is jewelry blue and black gold.
Fineness of gold jewelry
Any “jeweler” gold is the alloy metals. Main components-silver, copper and gold. Fineness of gold is determined by the ratio of these components and talks about the quality of the alloy “jewelry” gold. In the Russian Federation for jewelry of gold established the following tests: 375, 500, 583, 585, 750 and 958. Jewellery making gold 585 represents a fusion of gold with other metals in the ratio of 585 415. The greater the percentage of gold in the alloy, the higher quality and higher cost. Clean the gold-red, it is more than 90% of the gold, respectively, on it put 900-in standard and above.
What is “karat”, and how it differs from “carat”
Designation tests vary in manufacturers. Foreign manufacturers use this category measure of purity of gold, as 1 k [k]. “Karat” translated from English “Karat”. Not to be confused with the degree of gravity gems “carat”, both standards denoted by one word. There are main characters as-is 24 k can be compared with “our” red-gold, 21 k, 18 k and 14 k gold purity descending and his living.
Alloys of gold
To increase the strength and the acquisition of specific properties-the color and luster of pure gold to add a variety of metals, such as copper and silver. And add in the additional alloy elements such as Palladium or zinc gives miscellaneous coloring precious metal. So, get the pink, yellow and white gold.
Yellow Gold
Has a true color gold-sunny, bright, yellowish, one word is golden. It is believed that yellow gold best symbolizes the warmth and love of a marriage. Yellow Gold 750 has mainly sample.
White Gold
White alloy of gold becomes due to the addition of Palladium and different brightness and brilliance. Jewelry white gold is a kind of sign of prestige and belonging to the upper class throughout the world. It is very similar to Platinum but costs about 45% cheaper.
Rings made of white gold with diamonds Gemstone ring
The difference between white gold and Platinum
Which is better? Jewelry yellow gold or white gold.
Searching for gold nuggets
Rose gold
A reddish tint gives a copper. The most popular and affordable type of gold. The most commonly presented with gold 585-hallmark.
Yellow white pink blend of gold
Three shades of gold: pink, yellow and white by combinations allow you to create interesting, intricate weaving and the beautiful combination of parts of different colors. A classic example of a ring that combines all three Golden hue is a popular model of the “trinity” of Cartier, appeared in 1924. “Trinity” consists of three smooth rings, interlaced with each other: ring with yellow gold symbolizes devotion, ring with white gold-symbolizes friendship, but with a pink-love.
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The gold price rise encouraged consumers to sell old jewelry
But yellow gold is not always possible to meet and white, here only in jewelry, decorations, it virtually never in its pure form does not, from the ligature and her fate in the alloy is an alloy of various colors and shades, Gold and silver has long been used in all kinds of old art, yellow gold, white, yellow, yellow, black, white, yellow, gold, white, yellow, black, and gold color.
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