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Treasure map a metal detector?

about how to find the treasure

Treasure map a metal detector?


a metal detector?

Many articles written on how to choose a metal detector, “a metal detector to buy“. Some are specifically “lead” you to buy a certain product, regardless of whether it is suitable for you or not. However, most really are written to help the “fish out” of the sea the detectors. The potential buyer of the metal detector just to mess up the information generously hosted in different directories and often very controversial. And if the buyer is a rookie in search of relics, the task to choose a suitable detector for the first time becomes almost impossible.

Many potential hunters willing to buy is not a suitable instrument for them only for that “just as there are other”, or because the seller wants to sell this model, or for various other reasons. However, this error can be avoided if the buyer is willing to spend a little time on market research.

Treasure map a metal detector?

I don’t think that’s the most “suitable” detector there is only a single copy. The market has a lot of good companies, and devices that can satisfy you in quality and price, there are many. It seems to me, the most important to avoid mistakes in selecting and buy “not suitable” for your purposes. Process deviations “unsuitable detectors” is similar to the process of selecting the “right”, but there are in these two processes and some of the differences.

Experienced searchers are much rarer than the amateurs acquired search detectors, not quite appropriate to their needs. The reason for this is simple: the first is much more knowledge about manufacturers, terminology, production and the search process. However, and beginners can reduce your chances of selecting the wrong, if they show patience and will seek to learn more on themes familiar to masters.

So take your time to shop, even if you are offered a “truly favorable acquisition”. A few years ago I met a venerable gentleman who, after finding out that I’m in the business of a metal detectors, was for me to talk about a bargain purchase that he has just made. “This is such a great device, the 3 coils and special case for storing all of this.

I paid for it is just $ 250! Sweet deal, isn’t it? “when I started to ask him about the device, it became clear that he did not know what type of device he acquired, BFO or TR, is there a discrimination and so on. He didn’t even know how it works ! As it turned out, he could buy for the same money, modern device with discrimination, TR and instead bought a real dinosaur (extinct). I have not had the courage to tell him the truth, he was proud of myself, so I limited myself to remark: “Damn good deal!”


Every beginner search engine wants “beeper” and to “end this.” Try to overcome the desire to buy the appliance while you are not ready for this. Even before just deciding to purchase a detector, answer yourself in at least three of the following questions: 1) what type of search you want to do and where? 2) what type of device is suitable for this? 3) What the price range for this type of equipment? In order to answer these questions honestly, you have to make some research and spend time, but as a result you will understand the metal detectors as well as experienced searchers. In addition, the process of “gathering information” itself is quite interesting.


To get answers to the questions, you will have to “shoveled” is a bunch of information. The most objective source specialized magazines are devoted to the search for relics and coins through a metal detector. These magazines can not afford to confine itself to submitting only one producer interests – in which case they would lose advertising revenue to other customers. The market also has many books on detectors.


Among them are the ones that I could characterize as “universal”, but there are many others that promote a specific brand, although they have a fraction of useful information. In fact, some companies producing metal detectors owned fully or partially publishers publishing books on search and metal detectors.


If in the process of reading the book strongly praises a certain brand, know that you’ll surely read promotional brochure. In many cities there are clubs of searchers, who can become an invaluable information source, as many fans love to talk about his case. Most of the independent dealers also can share information with you and to assist in answering the above questions.

Despite the fact that our plan is not to give you ready answers and solutions, we can say a few words about each of these important issues. First, you must determine what attracts you more: search for coins, relics, or hoards, finding the nugget of gold or seismic studies have shown that. You should also evaluate the reality of this kind of search in your area. Search for civil war relics in Mississippi seemed reasonable, but what if you live in Montana? No matter where you live, depends largely on the answer to the next question, because for him to know about the degree of mineralization of the soil. It is also possible that you reside in areas with Saline soils, but only intend to use the detector on a vacation in Florida, where the soil is Good.

Answering a question about the preferred search form and place of residence, you are ready to begin to identify the type of the appliance directly, you need. Usually the choice is between:

1) the appliance general use with discrimination in motion type VLF/TR,

2) device for finding nuggets of type VLF/TR,

3) device for finding nuggets with discrimination in motion type VLF/TR,

4) pulse detector,

5) waterproof detector.

You need to determine which of the above type fits you best, but do it quite simply. The appliance can handle good general purpose with different tasks, however it lacks the power and stability for a serious search for nuggets.

A good device for finding nuggets of type VLF/TR copes with finding nuggets, but less suitable for coin without the discrimination. Pulse detector cannot have discrimination, but is indispensable on the beaches with salt water.  TR can detect only very large caches or mineral veins, but at extreme depths. And although with a waterproof just detecting the “hunt” under water, it is standard to be much heavier than usual, “ground” unit. You see, what you need to decide which types of devices is best suited for your needs.

Then, once you’ve determined the type of device, you are ready to estimate the amount you expect to spend on its purchase. Many benefits “how to choose a metal detector» authors from the outset offer determine amount and do not go beyond its framework. In my view, such an approach greatly increases your chances of making the wrong choice. If you want to search for ancient coins in parks, then you need an appliance equipped with dynamic discrimination. Such devices are typically complex and expensive, however many manufacturers equip these standing on the top step of the model line of detectors that whistles aren’t necessary. Why pay $ 800  for a detector that can exactly the same number as the device for $ 400? In the same vein, if you want to use the appliance only on the beach once a year during the holidays, and then only to “children, what to do,” Why buy the unit for $ 500 when and priced  $ 189  perfectly satisfy your requests? Better to spend the remaining $ 321 on a beloved woman, she will appreciate it, don’t hesitate! Or, for example, you are searching for nuggets. In this case you will have to spend quite a large sum for a good detector, designed specifically for this case.

Define a price series detectors of different brands, with an emphasis on those models, which you accept by function. Please specify exactly which functions are contained in each model, and how much it costs. Then see if you can reduce the number of models in accordance with the price that you gave, without forgetting about the needs and taking into account their wishes.

Remember that no matter what brand you prefer detector, you spend a lot of time studying the device before to learn how to extract maximum benefit from it. The amount of time you plan to spend “in the company” with a metal detector, is a key indicator on the estimated amount for its purchase. If this is just a toy for the holidays, don’t waste the huge money. If you plan to go every weekend, then buy the best device that can afford.

Now you are ready to select specific models of all offered in the market. At this stage you can already appreciate what was “successful transaction” and what not, depending on your needs. Again will justify the time spent on study of specialized magazines: now you have a pretty clear idea about the main manufacturers, you can discern which of them really “makes”, and who simply “lets smoke in your eyes.” If such a “sixth sense” to you, then you need to study additional literature.

All brands of metal detectors find that produce the best devices, and none of them does not hesitate to declare out loud about it, including myself. Most of the major brands of detectors is really good, but whether each device to be “better”? Not easy to choose a particular brand of many, because the information you get, often is promotional. The manufacturer can easily invent beautiful slogans, hand out enticing promises and then just as easily forget them.

You need to wade through the forest of promises and advertising slogans and try to determine how a metal detector works best for you. Try to get hold of the data of all the catalogs or manufacturers that you are interested in. Of course, these directories are also advertising information, but they must be, by definition, more technical data than conventional advertising. Compare models from different manufacturers at a price and on functionality. Make a list of their similarities and differences. This will help you understand how a model is suitable for you.

Finally, to be ready to compare models that you seemed appropriate. If there is a store near you, where you can, test them “live”. If not, then don’t give up right away from metal detectors, that you can’t “feel”. Remember that the seller may entice you to purchase a particular appliance, which pleases him or where he makes more profit, so take your time and don’t let yourself rushed! If there is no nearby retailer, representing this or that brand, contact the manufacturer to provide you with more information about the model you liked. Ask all the questions you may have, at the same time you can see how they would react to your treatment.

Compare reviews of metal detectors, gleaned from the specialized press. Such reviews can be very helpful, if able to rate them highly. I mean that you should be able to distinguish the truly original and honest reportage of the advertising text, drawn up at the request or order of manufacturer. Note: this is what the author tells about how the appliance works, or whether the emphasis is on how well it works? From this you can deduce the detector is actually “outstanding” or just a good.

So, compare the manufacturer’s willingness to answer your questions, weigh the recommendation of sellers to see what devices use different search engines in your region, in the end, carefully examine the specifications of your favorite models. Thus, you may find themselves particularly interesting to a specific brand or model. Do not look only at the recommendation of a dealer or other, because you don’t know whether they enjoy this device under the same conditions and with the same queries that you intend to use. Think again, and is the model for you? Modern it? It is universal enough to look for it, even if your preference in the search form will change?

How to use a metal detector

Now that you are aware of the correct model, time to start finding the seller. At first glance, it seems unimportant place, where to buy the unit, but it is not. You should also be sure the seller, as you are sure that the selected model. A really good local dealer will answer all your questions before and after the acquisition of the unit, will show how to use the detector, will provide a lot of useful information about experience in your region. It will check your appliance before delivery, and can even provide a little help in his service in case of minor problems or provide at the time of rental, repairs, if they need to return the unit to the manufacturer. Of course, the mere fact that the seller is “local” does not mean that it will provide all of the above services and generally proves to be qualified. It is also necessary to inquire in advance.

If you could not find local dealer nearby, some stores like “mail Products offer advantageous conditions, if the buyer is not satisfied with your purchase. They, of course, may not offer the level of service a regional retailer, but often are willing to throw a decent percentage of the cost. Some producers are willing to sell the product directly from the factory, but don’t expect them to discounts. Providing discounts to customers under these conditions would create a conflict between the company and its dealers, the company will not go in any case.

how to use a metal detector

Decide for yourself which of the above options suits you most and follow it. You must be sure that the seller can be relied on before and after the purchase.

After all, buying a metal detector does not expect immediate progress. Instructions carefully and operate the appliance as often as allow you time and opportunity. Regardless of the make or model you have chosen, you have to do lots of patience and work, to understand how to operate your device, and how it tells you how to achieve the best results from it. And when all of these factors combined, you will realize that all the investment made in choosing the “right” of the detector the cost effort!

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