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Underwater Treasures found
underwater treasure From the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean raised the 300-year-old treasures. Off the coast of Florida were discovered treasures, are designed for the King of Spain, more than a million dollars, according to CBS News. Jewels of shipwrecks in the area on July 31, 1715-go as a result of the great shipwreck. Since this place was nicknamed the coast of treasure hunt where adventurers regularly in search of valuable treasure.
Read also: Search for underwater treasures – treasure hunting
Another expedition led by Eric and Hillary Schmitt was crowned with success in mid-June 2015. The treasures were found in 30 miles north of West Palm Beach. It is known that the treasure contains 51 gold and 12-meter gold chain, decorated with precious stones.
A fifth of the value of the treasure will go to the Treasury and the State of Florida, and the rest will be shared by the company Queens Jewels that provided equipment and happy family Schmitt, who still found underwater treasures.
“These findings are important not only because of their monetary value, but as a historical value,” said Brent Brisbane, owned a jewelry company that took part in the expedition.
Shipwreck 1715 1st is considered one of the largest in history. Then the hurricane drowned eleven ships that carried the treasure from the new world to Spain. As a result killed about a thousand people, but even half thousand were able to reach land.
Underwater treasures found at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, and still the richest shipwrecks were not found until now, amazing ancient Egyptian Treasures which are displayed for the first time after it was discovered underwater, More recently, most serious treasure hunters have started working underwater, where modern technology allows access to wrecks containing valuables the treasures of gold and jewelry case and not worth the price. Spectacular ancient Egyptian treasures are to be exhibited for the first time having been discovered underwater in the submerged ruins.
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