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using metal detectors to find gold

 using metal detectors to find gold In the category treasure hunting more articles and learn more information about using metal detectors to find gold Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

using metal detectors to find gold

using metal detectors

Millions of people in the world have always been and will remain the romantics who seek to make huge geological or historical discoveries, finding ancient artefacts, precious coins, gold nuggets. Much of our time is easier for example to find metal items using metal detectors.


Many people dedicate their lives to search for infinite riches once lost. Some have made it their hobby, because this occupation has become very popular around the world-thousands of treasure hunters to find valuable jewelry or expensive old coins, millions dream of pirate treasure or gold of ancient civilizations … Apply state of the art ground metal detectors not only to search for treasures, but in mine fields, search the particles of meteorites. For these professionals and fans of producers of metal detectors are working every day, offering more and better instruments for detecting metal objects in the ground.

Can metal detectors find gold

Can metal detectors find gold In the category treasure hunting more articles and learn more information about Can metal detectors find gold...

where to find gold with a metal detector

where to find gold with a metal detector In the category treasure hunting more articles and learn more information about where to find gold...

How to find gold with metal detectors

How to find gold with metal detectors In the category treasure hunting more articles and learn more information about How to find gold with...

using metal detectors

This type of metal detectors, namely ground metal detectors-specialized devices for qualitative search different metal objects in the ground. It is said that most of these metal detectors to search for any metal objects at depths of up to 1 meter (for example, guns of the second world). There are models of metal detectors with much greater depth of detection of large objects up to 6 m. Unfortunately for treasure hunters search the coins on depth is not possible, the most effective search coins to a depth of 25-30 cm, except that this is not a treasure chest.


To the standard functionality of metal detectors include: metals discriminator, pinpointer, detection depth, set up on different types of soil, the threshold of the signal, response speed, work on different frequencies. Take a look at some of them.


Discriminator-allows you to break up the group, due to metals electro conductivity, can recognize the following types of metals-iron, bismuth, zirconium, titanium, lead, chromium, Tin, Platinum, nickel, cobalt, zinc, aluminium, gold, copper, silver. Recognizing a certain type of metal detector either ignores or signals depending on the settings.


PinPointer – allows you to accurately determine the location of targets rather slowly to the metal detector over the intended spot.


Detection depth-modern metal detectors can find large items to a depth of 1 meter, smaller, for example the military helmet, up to 70 cm and the maximum efficiency when searching for coins at a depth of up to 35 cm.


It should be noted that the detection depth depends on the size of the coil, the larger the coil, the greater detection depth. But not worth chasing down a maximum depth, because with the increase size of the coil decreases the purity of discrimination, the more difficult it is to separate the colored metal from the editor. Yes, problematic enough to dig a hole in 1 m depth, possibly during this time you might find on the surface much more valuable item with greater accuracy of metal detection.


To the attention of potential users of the store offers all the most popular and trusted brands of ground metal detectors, treasure-hunters have appreciated for maximum efficiency.

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