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Using mobile metal detector

Using mobile metal detector

 The idea is as follows as mobile has many points that give different frequencies, these frequencies can be used and connected to a rotating zoom or without and then connected to the seminar and we make a feedback signal reception or we receive via am radio.


Example: mobile n73 has a point given the frequency of 20.3 kHz we arrived at this point to enlarge if needed and then to a seminar and reception is through the other loop attached to a predefined service or through your radio am

A correction to the information initially, you are not obliged to use this particular frequency in mobile but you are compelled to use the frequency at which the metal responds each specific frequency can flip metal, gold is different from silver and so have highlight the metal before drilling the main ideas of the devices in the following species


1-Very low frequency

2 – Pulse induction

3-Beat-frequency oscillation


Frequency method boils down to two, one to send and receive, and the work of the inconsistency between the original signal and the reflected signal, which have a time delay to conclude from difference between them, which shows us the distance and quantity.


The second way uses a single file, and it highlights the electrical impulses to the magnetic field, then reduce thousands of times per second, and when there is a nearby metals cause delays faded magnetic field, just as the phenomenon of ECHO sound in the backroom.


The third method consists of 2 oscillator, isolated from any outside influences, and is away from the Earth and the other on the surface of the Earth, and the hesitating on the same frequency, as the oscillator on the ground exposed to the reflected waves that alter its frequency increase or decrease, and we always will produce constant difference in frequency when there is a nearby metal this way is easier but they are affected by the presence of moisture in the Earth and also approaching the populated places of power and influence are also human and animated objects are affected by metal even very small levels Not just the big blocks and this another disadvantage.

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