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What is the depth of detection the metal detectors

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What is the depth of detection the metal detectors

What is the depth of detection the metal detectors Review

When choosing a metal detector, you’re sure to do some research first and foremost deep action of the detector. But anywhere will not find the exact answer to this question. This is because this option depends on many factors: the material of the object, its size, soil type, size of the coil, the degree of discrimination, use headphones and many other factors.

When testing of metal detectors “on air”, no matter what price range they are is cheap or expensive, find a coin at a distance of 25-30 cm. There is no induction metal detectors capable of on the air to detect coin at a distance of 50 cm or more.

Metal detector detection depth is a relative value and depends on many factors. For example: target (size, position, status, etc.); soil (salinity, humidity, density, etc.); foreign influence (high-voltage power lines running near the metal detector, etc.); metal detector (output, settings, sensitivity, discrimination, incl./off, operating frequency, size, and other characteristics of the coil, etc.). Manufacturers of metal detectors rarely indicate depth. There are all sorts of videos from discovery metal detectors tests various purposes through the air and into the ground. A rough idea of the depth of detection you can provide.

The situation changes when the size of the object, the distance at which an object is defined, is also increasing. For example, a metal object with a diameter of 15 cm metal detector can detect at a distance of 50-80 cm. Here is already beginning to affect the quality of the device. The better the metal detector, the greater the distance at which he will be able to identify the larger objects. But, again, everything has limits, and it is unlikely that any device can feel a metal canister over a distance of 2 m in the air.

If the item is in the ground, the conditions of his search. Some saline soils, it is sometimes difficult to detect the same coin lying on the surface. More expensive devices can reduce the impact of soil on the detection of objects, but, in any case, the detection depth is smaller than in air.

Pulse metal detectors at least influenced by soil minerals. Compared with the most common VLF metal detectors in the ground depth and salt water more and comparable to the detection distance of the same object.

There are also devices when coils (TM 808, Gemini-3, GTI 2500 with the depth multiplier, etc.), the depth of whose actions on large objects reaches depending on the type of ground from 1 up to 6 m of their benefit in that they do not react to any smaller objects the size of a coin: caps, nails, pieces of foil, make up the metal debris.

Therefore by purchasing the device remember:

Detection depth on air large coin (Silver ruble) cannot be more than 35-40 cm with a standard coil 21 cm. Increase the size of the coil increases the depth detection of large items for small coins (1 kopecks) almost no depth increases for larger coins increases by 10-20%. Large coils deteriorate accuracy of detection, but increase the area of capture and search speed.

Cheap and expensive devices of the same type (e.g. VLF) and with the same little coils vary in-depth of detection on the air. The differences are as provided by the service and the level of hidden object recognition.

Primer leads only to reduce detection depth. Better than the device, the better it is offset by the adverse effect of the soil.

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Metal detectors for the detection depth

Depth of detection of objects with a metal detector. Dependent on various factors and parameters. One of the main parameters of the detector is the depth of the object. Detection depth. at what depth the metal detector sees people never seen a metal detector.
