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Best practices for working with metal detector

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Best practices for working with metal detector

 Find treasures with a metal detector desire among all amateurs, and such a desire to be yielding material and moral, we need to know to deal with a metal detector, and in this article we will identify the best practices for working with a metal detector.

Best practices for working with metal detector

On the depth of the metal detection .

Oddly enough, but none of the avenues of foreign manufacturers will you find such an important characteristic of the metal as the depth of his actions . This is because it depends on many factors: the type of soil, medium search object material , coil size , power supply status , operator experience , the degree of discrimination , the use of headphones , etc.

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In general, when carrying out tests on all Setting metal detectors , whether cheap or expensive coin detected at a distance of 25-30 cm there is no induction of metal that could sense the air at a distance such coin more than 50 cm.

Best practices for working with metal detector

With increasing size of the object increases, and the distance at which it is determined . Tea , for example, can be felt at a distance of 50-80 cm It is already beginning to affect the quality of the instrument. The better ( more expensive) metal detector, the greater the distance it detects larger objects . But all the power is off and even the best instruments can not feel the 20 liter canister more than 2 m to the air.

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When the subject is in the earth , the conditions for finding the most degraded soils . Some soils sometimes impossible to detect a coin , even if it is just at the surface.

Many appliances (more expensive ) can check out largely from the effects of soil, however, the detection depth is smaller than the air. Strongly interfere with finding some of the minerals the soil, common in the locations of gold nuggets – magnetite , chalcopyrite , and others that give false signals ( as the metal ) , thus greatly reducing the efficiency of search .

Pulsed metal detectors are less prone to the influence of soil minerals . The depth of their actions in the earth and salt water more than the most common VLF- metal detectors and comparable to the distance detection of the same object in the air.

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Finally , there are devices with spaced coils ( TM 800 ,TM 808, Gemini- W , CX to the multiplier depth , etc.) , the depth of action on large objects which reaches depending on the type of soil of 1 m to 4 m Their advantage is that they do not react to small objects the size of a coin : plugs , nails , pieces of foil comprising a metal garbage.

Thus, buying the device , it should be remembered :

1) Depth of detection in air big coins can not be more than 35-40 cm with a standard coil D21 , see Increasing the size of the coil increases the depth of detection of large items , for small coins depth virtually no increase for large coins – increased by 10-20 %. Large coils degrade the detection accuracy , but increase the area of ​​search speed and capture .2 ) cheap and expensive devices of the same type (e.g. VLF) and identical coils differ little depth seating detection . The differences are reduced to the level of provided services and the recognition of the hidden object .3) Primer only leads to reduction of the depth of detection . The more perfect the instrument , the better it is offset the harmful effects of soil.

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Dynamic mode allows continuous movement of the search head ( coil). A reaction will occur only when the head streaked over the metal . If you head to stop the object – the reaction disappears.

Discrimination – the ability of the instrument to distinguish metal objects . This ability is in the ( acoustic signal) in the absence of some objects and other reactions . Usually adjusted with the level of discrimination that specifies which object will be the reaction . The level of discrimination in simple devices corresponds to the conductivity of the objects from which the instrument gives the reaction. Smaller objects can be arranged in the following sequence based on their conductivity : nails , foil , nickel coins tabs from cans , gold decoration , cork copper coin silver. Therefore, the relevant controls are calibrated in such terms . In the computerized devices entire range of objects is divided into segments (up to 190 segments) , each of which can be specified action: to respond or ignore. The setting in this case is carried out in a learning mode – bring to the coil stock and harmful objects.

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The range of discrimination – the ability to set a custom response to specific items to metal detectors devices , for example, to force the device to respond to the nickel coins and ignore the tabs and cork . Implemented the introduction of a second controller discrimination, defining the position of the sub band discrimination of objects.

Mineralization lot – the presence of conductive salts, and clay minerals and rocks and minerals containing iron. Leads to disruption of proper operation of the devices. Eliminates the introduction of additional circuitry .

Threshold – weak signal tone is heard in the dynamics of the instrument without any metal objects near the head . Threshold have many devices with a search mode for all metals , and appliances with static search mode. On this tone can be judged on performance metal detector and a change in salinity of the soil. In most devices Threshold adjustable.

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Pseudo statical mode is a dynamic mode with a very slow adjustment threshold. That is, if the head of the long hold on the object , there will be adjustment of the instrument under this facility and the response will be lost. When removing the head from the object will return the same length adjustment . In the computerized devices while adjusting the threshold of the microprocessor , so the speed of adjustment of the approach and the distance from the object can be different. In conventional devices  for rapid recovery of the threshold by removing the coil from the object is a button RETUNE.

Rejection – the lack of a sound signal ( ignoring ) for certain kinds of objects .

Static mode means that the response of the instrument will be maintained until the head is over the object . It does not matter , it is moving or not.

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VCO- control – addiction is not only the volume but also its tone (frequency) of the magnitude and depth of the object. Sharpens the response of the human ear for subtle changes in the received signal from the object .

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Instrument selection .

What determines the actual depth of detection with a metal detector ?

– The size of the object and its depth in the ground ;

– The type and capacity of the metal ;

– The value of the search coil ;

– The degree of salinity , texture and moisture content of the soil medium or another search.

Buying metal detector device for the first time , try to avoid as too cheap models and expensive professional equipment. Cheap, poorly sensitive device may not meet your expectations and unnecessarily disappoint you in search of treasure and a detector . It is likely that for the first time faced with an expensive computerized device , you will be difficult to master it quickly and efficiently.


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