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Gold on the beach or how to choose a metal detector

 Gold on the beach or how to choose a metal detector In the category treasure hunting more articles and learn more information about Gold on the beach or how to choose a metal detector Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

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Gold on the beach or how to choose a metal detector Review

Hunting for gold can be quite profitable hobby if you have the right tools and knowledge. You can find gold on the beach, in the park, in the forest , mining can be gold coins , rings , bracelets, and even gold nuggets . If you are serious about this type of activity , the findings can sell and get a good income .

Gold on the beach or how to choose a metal detector

On the market there are a lot different types of gold metal detectors  , wherein , in a wide price range. Newcomers are recommended to buy a metal detector and the easiest to practice on it. If you try to compare , for example, two of the leading brand of this product with similar features , the price for them, as a rule, will be identical . All use metal detectors such electromagnetic technology : the magnetic field device is designed to react with the magnetic field of gold articles.

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Metal detector converts the signal to the process . Tuning of the metal detector is the other requirements and the effectiveness of the device : the detector must be properly calibrated , depending on the type of intelligence , that is, on whether you are looking for gold in the sand on the beach or in the water. This process does not take a lot of time of a few minutes.

Some detectors have different operating speed . For best results, you need to read from cover to cover operating instructions from the manufacturer, pay attention to the depth of detection taking into account various factors , including the type of ground and moisture. Well, if you find the treasure near the surface , and you do not have to dig even deeper into the three-meter .

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Another significant difference in the specifications may be their frequency . Low frequency signal between 5-10 kHz and 15-20 kHz are used in most gold detectors. If you are looking for items such as coins and jewelry , the lower frequencies between 5-20 kHz may be used for deep deposits.

Metal detectors with several levels of frequencies tend to be more expensive and are used by professional gold prospectors . The most important thing that you need to know about metal detector – it does not guarantee you will get rich quick scheme . You must be fun the search process itself , and not only the potential to become rich , otherwise you will not get anywhere .

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The search for the precious metal takes a long time , so there is no point in spending hours with a metal detector , if you do not like it . Gold Series metal detectors are not the most expensive on the market , the devices are 250 – 300 U.S. dollars and do not include equipment that will make your hobby more comfortable. The instrument can be found in sporting goods stores , outdoor activities or dealing with electronics.

You can keep an eye on the metal detector at the auction EBay, it also determines whether the seller agrees to send it to your country , and what will be the cost of delivery. If you are a master of ” all-rounder “, the detector can do yourself, for this you need quite simple things .

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