How much is a cubic zirconia In the category treasure hunting more articles and learn more information about How much is a cubic zirconia Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.
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cubic zirconia is a synthetic gemstone that its structure resembles a diamond. Due to this property, and the relative cheapness, it became very popular, it is often used in jewelry, such as rings, earrings, bracelets and pendants.
As noted above, although this is a synthetic stone, it is an analogue of a natural mineral, zirconium oxide (ZrO2), which was first discovered in 1892, but is too sparse to be commercially viable. The experiments of German and Soviet scientists, zirconium oxide and yttrium oxide were melted together at a temperature of 2750 ° C, resulting in an opportunity to grow crystals of cubic zirconia in the laboratory. This stone is the crystal, spotless and clean enough to be judged on the diamond color scale.
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Although usually fianit – colorless, it may also be grown almost any color, including yellow soft characteristic for some diamonds. It also weighs 60% more than the diamond. However, if there is an obvious difference between the two stones to the untrained eye, is the fact that cubic zirconia has a higher dispersion of light than a diamond.
In the case of precious stones, the dispersion refers to the ability of the mineral separate light into separate wavelengths, creating prism like colors. Because cubic zirconia has a higher dispersion than diamond, when light falls on it, refracted through the crystal structure, it is divided into a variety of colors and shades, while “giving” ourselves. To date, projects continue to make cubic zirconia, more like a diamond. Mineral became so close to its natural analogues, that in some cases need jewelry loupe to distinguish it from high quality diamonds. As regards the proportions, the Fianna combined about 87% zirconium oxide and yttrium oxide 13%, although there are different “recipes”.
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Some stones cubic zirconia may suffer optical degradation, that is, over time there is discoloration or formation of “clouds”, while the rest of the structure will be the couple, and transparent. Cubic zirconia is pretty solid, it is harder quartz gemstones such as amethyst, but softer than topaz, ruby, sapphire, and, of course, brilliant. Cubic zirconia has an impressive estimate of 8.5 on the Mohs scale, but not resistant to wear and chipping.
While engagement ring with cubic zirconia can not have the same value as a diamond ring, in any case, it’s a great alternative for affordable and beautiful jewelry. Perhaps the best special for which you can buy it, you are a self as it can be worn every day without worrying about their safety. Often confused with cubic zirconia cz, but it’s completely different minerals. Zirconium is a chemical element, but not stone. As for the price, the more expensive of the zircon how much cubic zirconia.
Minerals in the international market fianit is commercially available. Eg good quality cubic zirconia emerald 1.95 carats and 7 mm x 5 mm can be purchased for $ 5. This shows that how much it cost fianit no significant impact on the cost of the jewelry.
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