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how to build a metal detector oscillator

 how to build a metal detector oscillator In the category Metal Detectors Videos more articles and learn more information about how to build a metal detector oscillator Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

how to build a metal detector oscillator

What is the metal detector not need to explain to anyone. The device this expensive, and some models are worth very decently. But a metal detector with his hands in the home can be. Moreover, you can not only save thousands for purchasing, but also to enrich themselves by finding the treasure. Let’s talk about the instrument and try to understand it and how.

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Step by step instruction on how to build a simple metal detector

In the detailed instructions we will show how you can assemble your own hands the simplest metal detector from improvised means. We need: the usual plastic box from under CD portable AM or AM/FM radio, calculator, contact type tape (Velcro). So, proceed!

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Disassemble the casing CD CD-ROM. Carefully disassemble the casing plastic CD case, deleting the box that holds the disc in place.

how to build a metal detector oscillator

Remove the plastic insert

Cut 2 strips of Velcro. Measure the area in the center of the back of your radio. Then cut 2 pieces of Velcro are the same size.

Measures approximately in the middle of the region on the back of the radio (highlighted in red) STEP 2.2. Cut 2 of the Velcro of the appropriate size, measured in step 2.1.

Step 3. Fasten the radio. Attach one adhesive side Velcro onto the back of the radio and the second one from the internal sides of the CD case. Then fasten the plastic box housing radio CD Velcro.

Stick one velcro on the back side of the radio. Fix second velcro on the middle of one of the parties. Attach the radio to the inner side.

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Fix calculator. Repeat steps 2 and 3 with a calculator, but apply the Velcro already on the other side of the CD case. Then fasten the calculator on this side of the box with the standard method Velcro.

Fix calculator to another inside.

Configuring the radio range. Turn on the radio and make sure that it is configured in the AM range. Now configure it at the end of a range of AM, but not on this radio station. Increase the volume. You should only hear some noise.

Tune the radio to the end of the range AM

If there is a radio station that is located at the very end of the range of AM, try to get as close as possible to it. At the same time you should hear only some noise!

Step 6. Roll CD box. Turn on the calculator. Start minimized aside boxes with calculator towards the radio until you hear a loud beep. This beep signals us that radio caught electromagnetic wave from the electrical circuit of the calculator.

Turn the CD side of boxing each other, until you hear a characteristic loud signal

Hold built the device to a metal object. Open again the leaf of a plastic box, so that the sound we heard at step 6, was barely audible. Then start to move the box with your radio and Calculator close to a metal object and you will hear a loud sound. It talks about the correct operation of our simple detector.

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Offer our metal detector to a metal fork to test

Manual sensitive detector based on the schema of the two oscillator

Principle of operation:

In this project we will build a metal detector based on double-circuit oscillator. One oscillator is fixed and the other varies depending on the proximity of metal objects. The beating frequency between these two frequencies of oscillators is in the audio range. At the time of passing the detector over a metal object, you will hear the beating frequency. Different types of metals will cause positive or negative shift, raising or lowering the sound frequency. We need materials and electrical components.

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