Investing in gold and silver coins In the category investing in gold more articles and learn more information about Investing in gold and silver coins Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.
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Invest in coins is a profitable activity that develops every year. Special attention when investing in gold and silver coins will need to devote a memorable coins, which will be discussed. To this are added the commemorative coins from abroad. The inexperienced investor an abundance of easily can be confusing.
there is the flaw of commemorative coins. Their main drawback is too incomprehensible pricing. The price of the metal to a commemorative coin does not play a role, and the cost of collection value, which includes many factors that it is almost impossible to predict. For it does not come from even the professionals. Experts cite as an example a typical situation where the cost of two identical coins will be absolutely different options: one would cost much more expensive just because it is more beautiful. for example, silver coin with Valera, which did not grow in price until eventually it is not disappeared from sale, and the cost has increased by several times. So, absolutely inexplicable value of coins for 5-7 years can rise only 5-10% or the total for the year show 100% yield.
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if you buy a commemorative coins easily, then sell them much harder, because most banks will not redeem coins, since this requires specially trained staff. A secondary market in which there is a chance to sell coins, offers the best prices. For example, pawnbrokers and second-hand shops are likely to offer you a price for a coin on the value of the metal. In order to earn the collectible value, you need to go to collectors and coin dealers that the newbie is a difficult task. However, this picture of hands down is not worth it, because there are objective criteria by which to judge the profitability of investments in coins.
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The first factor is circulation. Here, as with all coins, works less than he rule: the higher the value of the coin. What quantity is great, but what is small? Clearly, investment in coin circulation 10-15 thousand not be fulfilled unless something extraordinary happens.
For the gold quantity in 1000 pieces is the optimal number. In this case, such coins will quickly grow in value, and about six months show is 60%. And here is the Edition 2000 pieces will show the difference in price is only 30%.
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As for silver, the coins is optimal circulation of 5 to 10 thousand copies. The value of these coins for some time will be different in 2-3 times.
In terms of profit for investors are considered to be kilogram gold coins, which have a small print run. For example, the value of the gold savings bank sells for 1 million. which is three times more expensive than a kilo of gold. However, in this direction should be careful, because even such coins sometimes end up not getting.
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