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metal detector circuit using ic 555

 metal detector circuit using ic 555 In the category Metal Detectors Videos more articles and learn more information about metal detector circuit using ic 555 Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

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Electronic circuits that use the ic 555 Timer, A simple metal detector electronic project can be designed using a simple 555 timer circuit. As you can see in the schematic circuit, this project requires some external electronic electronic parts.

metal detector circuit using ic 555

This circuit detects metal and magnets. When a magnet is close the choke 10mH, output frequency changes.

Metal detector project can be powered by a power supply that can provide a DC voltage output between 6 volts a 12.

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Metal Detector Circuit

Pulse Induction Metal Detector Circuit

Metal detector circuit diagram

If a metal is nearest the coil L1, will produce a change of frequency oscillation of output, which will generate a sound in 8 ohm speaker.

How to make metal detector using 555 timer circuit

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metal detector circuit using ic 555

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