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metal detector coils-choose a search coil for metal detector

 metal detector coils-choose a search coil for metal detector In the category metal detector coil more articles and learn more information about metal detector coils-choose a search coil for metal detector Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

metal detector coils-choose a search coil for metal detector

metal detector coils-choose a search coil for metal detector

There are various coil detector designed for various specialized functions, Mono coils are used in most modern metal detectors. Mono coil are represented by two circular antennas located one another, this enables you to better distinguish between metals on their conductivity and define more precisely the location of the target. In Double D coils D-shaped antennas are located next to each other. Unlike Mono coils, Double D coil can operate in conditions of Soil mineralization, but the exact situation the goal of such coils is difficult.

Video embedded: Metal detector coil stabilizer

Also reels is its size and shape. Large coils are more suitable to search for objects at great depths, but they are ineffective to find small metal particles. Also with large coils will be harder on the trashy territories because the signal from one purpose will override the signal from other objects. Conversely the smaller coil works best for working on littered territories, also they are effective in search of small metal objects, but there are downsides. Usually, small coil lose in depth compared with the big discovery. For everyday searching perfect medium-sized coil. This size is the best way combines the search depth and sensitivity to objects of various sizes. Therefore, as a standard coil for many models of metal detectors used coils of medium size. While for most popular metal detectors with optional coil sizes, that will make your metal detector more versatile.

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