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Metal detectors to search for treasures and coins

 Metal detectors to search for treasures and coins In the category treasure hunting more articles and learn more information about Metal detectors to search for treasures and coins Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

Metal detectors to search for treasures and coins

Metal detectors to search for treasures and coins Review

Almost all brands are equal in fundamental characteristics. Sensitivity of 25-30 cm in the air and 17-22 cm in the ground, and the ability to distinguish between ferrous and non-ferrous metals, determine the approximate depth of the size of a coin.

What is the difference? Here measuring with cell phones: there are simple, no-nonsense, and there are various useful functions, there are cool with a bunch of bloat is not always necessary. But all work fine. Also can any small differences in sensitivity and comfort. But they are often unjustifiable overstated price. Similarly, and with metal detectors. Work around the same, but different functionality.

From here the main Board (not quite right with the business side): those who just started research take a beginners. Easier to get used to him and treated him in an easy way, mixing in preferences, so don’t pay too much. Usually for a season or two of such a device. Then you can think of more advanced models (if interest is not lost). Many companies replace old service when purchasing a new one. Personally I have Garrett-250.


See specifications and test results of several devices. Maybe someone will help in the selection of metal detector that serves your needs. Tests and characteristics of confidence-building measures.

So, here is the Division using metal levels of difficulty and purpose:


Beginner level

 Garrett-250, and Fisher F2 and Х-Тerra 305 and Bounty Hunter GOLD. Basic functions, easy to learn and work, even a kid could do.


Average level:

 Bounty Hunter PLATINUM and  GARRETT 1350 and Minelab X-TERRA 505 and Fisher F-4 and Fisher F-5 . they are stronger ,and more functional devices. Already Setup appears on the ground, that sometimes gives a significant increase in sensitivity.


Professional level:

 Garrett 2500 and Minelab X-Terra 705  and Fisher-75. These are professional tools with maximum power, lots of features, but it’s available for the development of the major search engines.


Super professional level:

 Minelab Explorer se and Minelab Explorer e-Trac and white spectrum  (XLT, DFX). These devices require this level, it is very strong, with a lot of complex work settings and features. For their development and natural process requires time and desire, and some skills. Why not recommended for those who do not have opportunities for long and diligently study the instructions, test, talk with colleagues, and gain experience.

Subsurface instruments:

Fisher Gemini 3 and TM 808 and  Pulse Star II and DETECH SSP-3000   simpler, without discrimination and with a price tag around $ 1000, second and first and second Super is priced around $ 3,000.


Underwater metal detectors:

And more about underwater metal detectors you will find here

 Fisher CZ-21 and Minelab 1000. Very convenient to search and find jewelry Beach in shallow water. In the works is simple, but with many user-friendly features. Great job on the ground.

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