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nokta dpr hardware schematic

 nokta dpr hardware schematic In the category Metal Detectors more articles and learn more information about nokta dpr hardware schematic Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

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Georadar the Golden King DPR is issued based on Plus a powerful 32 bit ARM9 microprocessor. Has the ability to issue a graphical 3D interpretation of electromagnetic signals and form an image of the object at the time of its discovery.

Many systems claim to objectivity received 3D graphs, throw them on the basis of imperfect technologies of signal processing. if it finds an object, depending on the voltage values, call the corresponding figure. In essence, these voltage charts do not have anyone attitude toward incoming electromagnetic signals.

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Programme Wednesday GPR Golden King DPR Plus is implemented on Linux. A distinctive feature of the program is to build algorithms of artificial intelligence application that optimizes parallel computations when analyzing signals from the target object.

Through the use of technology in the system of adaptive search antennas all the information about the object and scanned the territory, including data on depths, comes to the screen with a single keystroke. These antennas monitor and control all movements of the operator. Thanks to the filter operator error, by calculation errors, which can distort the final data are excluded and do not affect the results. Thus, operator error neutralized.

GPR Kit Golden King Plus includes DPR high definition camera to film both on land and under water. The camera has a built-in night vision system and can operate at a depth of 30 m in total darkness, ensuring a clear picture.

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Thanks to the sensitive matrix camera you get a high quality image that you can save and play with professionals or employees in slow motion or frame by frame.

Another technological complement underground GPR Golden King Plus is the availability of a DPR gas sensor. This site is intended for system security warning about harmful for human health cluster gas-methane, especially indoors.

Using deep search engine you can search antenna with high resolution at a depth of up to 8 m if it finds an object, you can immediately get the 3D chart signal. This is the world’s only system that realizes the relationship signal-chart in the form of high-quality 3D images at the time of object identity.

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