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Silver as a store of value in 2014 – Of all the precious metals , investors’ attention is focused on the most gold. This is not surprising , considering that the yellow metal has always been not just a symbol of luxury , but a backup ( and for many centuries and basic) currency. However, apart from gold , there is another , less hyped , but no less interesting metal – silver . Or, as it is called, ” gold for the poor ” , and this is not casual .
Consider the prospects of silver as an investment and give price forecast in 2014. The price of silver is traditionally correlated with the price of gold. This is clearly seen when comparing the graphs below. But it would be wrong to assume that the cost of the lunar metal is simply divided by the value of gold a certain factor .
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The fact that silver is more than gold raising the commodity , which is widely used in many industries , including such an important sphere as electronics . Therefore fall in the global economy should negatively affect the price of this metal. But there is a caveat . Two-thirds of the world’s silver comes as a byproduct in the production of other industrial metals. By reducing the production of copper, zinc , nickel automatically falls and development ” of gold for the poor .”
It is worth recalling that, historically, the ratio of the value of gold to silver for centuries was about 1:15 . That is, an ounce of gold was given 15 ounces of silver. And only recently , by historical standards , this ratio reached a level of 1:40 .
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Forecast for 2014
We turn to the short-term forecast for the next year . We can assume that the quotes and silver will continue to follow the gold price . Forecast for the yellow metal can be found here . However, in the case of negative developments in the world economy , the collapse of stock markets and falling prices for commodities paths of the two precious metals can disperse , and silver will go down after the oil .
Total for 2014 can give two main scenarios :
Conservative . In the first half of the value of silver will fluctuate in the range of $ 20 – $ 25 per ounce. By the end of the year can be expected to fall to $ 16.
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Alternative . Quotes will actively grow after gold and reached peak levels in 2011 at $ 40 per ounce. Further rise or fall will depend on whether investors perceive silver as an asset haven or will continue to assume its raw materials. In the first case, quotes will continue to grow in the second start to fall.
If we consider the lunar metal as a means to invest for the long term , it is still a great option . Right now the price is around $ 20 per ounce and there is no doubt that in 10 years it will be much higher.
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