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 The future to detect great depth In the category ground penetrating radar more articles and learn more information about The future to detect great depth Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

The future to detect great depth


test a new kind of GPR, This device seems to be very promising for the detection of treasures. Indeed, unlike the current ground radars, which work only with a single frequency, the Geovizer uses simultaneously 14 different frequencies. It is a georadar induction electromagnetic user. Its performance will not be reduced by the moisture of the ground. Should not be dragged on the ground, but spent several centimeters above the ground, it will be usable on all types of terrain, whether they are damaged or covered with stones. It should be capable of detecting metal targets with a minimum diameter of 10 centimeters, and up to 5 meters of depth. If all these features are confirmed, this will be something revolutionary for research of the treasures as well as large native gold nuggets. The expert Ground 2, DRS Electronics brand, is a sensor induction pulse using a Tablet and software. Depth of detection performance is much lower than that of a ground radar, since they do not exceed 2.5 m for an object of 80 centimeters in diameter, and the software does not have a view of the content of the soil, since it is a simple metal detector.

Metal detectors and the depth of search

Metal detectors and the depth of search Current metal detectors do not reach a very high depths… nor it is foreseeable that they can reach them in the future. This is no obstacle to what in specific circumstances and for specific targets can achieve depths much greater than normal.

Metal detectors how it works?

Metal detectors how it works? Gold detectors operate metal detectors and water In several ways, most notably 1. electromagnetic detection of metals and gold (a Very low frequencies low frequency): The detector sends an electromagnetic frequency signal penetrates the ground during file transmission in applied research, frequently and repeatedly,

Best metal detectors that can be purchased

Best metal detectors that can be purchased-metal detectors, gold Best metal detectors that can be purchased When you choose the best metal detector 2013 and to consider, inter alia, purchased one of the most important is the nature of the soil in which you want to find out.

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