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 treasure under ground In the category treasure hunting more articles and learn more information about treasure under ground Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

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in order to find the treasure under ground, you will be extremely useful metal detector. This instrument identifies the location of the reserves of the metal. The newest models of metal detectors able to exactly identify the type of metal, even if it is deep underground.Try a search for treasures and valuables in unexpected and at the same time obvious places. Known for numerous cases when people shopped something really valuable to flea markets practically for nothing.

treasure under ground

only the metal detector was able to identify the presence in the barrel of the coins. Often the treasures on the trade roads, by the banks of the rivers again in notable places on the hills, under large rocks etc.

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I suggest to look for coins in the old abandoned buildings. Tell, where almost one hundred percent may be ancient coins. Firstly, it corners of buildings. At least one angle you will find an old coin, and rather large, as before under the corners they are usually massive coins, which went out of circulation. As a good and reliable place is the sill and window boxes.

Select the appropriate place and learn its history. Maybe you live close to the beach where the crashed ship with valuable cargo. Or once on a nearby field was finds the treasure but part of it disappeared without a trace. Use all the knowledge for solving the location of the treasure.

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